
void insertionSort(int data[ ], int arraySize) {
        int insert;
        int moveItem;
        for(int next=1; next<arraySize; next++) {
                    insert=data[next];  //store the value in the current element
                    moveItem=next;    //initialize location to place element

                    while((moveItem>0)&&(data[moveItem-1]>insert)) {
                               //shift element one slot to the right
                    }  //end while

        } //end for
} //end insertionSort

在一个名为 myArray 的数组中恰好有 20 个随机数。我不能使用随我们的书一起提供的图书馆中的决策衍生工具。所以基本上 movs、cmps、loops 和 jumps 这就是我得到的。我早些时候让它对 20 个随机数中的第一个进行排序,但我已经把自己弄糊涂了,不知道我在做什么了。当它到达插入排序方法时它会崩溃。请帮忙。

TITLE Insertion Sort (main.asm)
INCLUDE Irvine32.inc

elems = 20

myArray  sdword   elems dup(0)
str1 byte "Press enter" ,0
str2 byte "The array now is ",0
next sdword 1
start sdword ?

main PROC
    call Clrscr
    call CreateRandom
    call Display
    call InsertionSort
    call Display
main ENDP

CreateRandom PROC
;;;;Creates 20 random numbers and populates myArray;;;;;
    call Randomize
    mov ecx, 20
    mov edx, OFFSET myArray

    call Random32                   ;create random number
    mov [edx], eax                  ; move random number to the appropriate spot in the array
    add edx, 4                      ; increase the address of what it is pointing to
    loop L1
    mov edx, OFFSET str1            ; "press enter to continue"
    call WriteString
    call ReadInt
    call Crlf
CreateRandom ENDP

Display PROC
;;;; Displays current form of the array myArray;;;;;
    mov edx, OFFSET str2                ; "The array now is:"
    call WriteString                    ; write string
    call Crlf
    mov esi, OFFSET myArray             ; offset of the array 
    mov ecx, 20                         ; index of the loop
    mov eax, [esi]                      ; move array at that point to eax
    call WriteDec                       ; print out the array as a decimal
    call Crlf                           ; next line
    add esi, 4                          ; next element in the array
    loop L2
    call Crlf
Display ENDP

InsertionSort PROC
mov ecx, 19
mov edx, OFFSET myArray
mov ebx, OFFSET myArray            ; eax=next
add ebx, 4                        ;moves up the array to second element comparable to next

    mov    esi, [ebx]                    ; esi=data[next]
    mov eax, ebx                ;movelterm=ebx
        mov edx, [eax-4]            ;move the number that is greater into edx
        mov [eax], edx                ;move the number into that 2nd element of the
        sub eax, 4
        mov esi, [eax]
        cmp eax, [edx]
        JNG endinner                        ; if the address is not greater than the first address, skip to the end
        mov edx, [eax-4]
        cmp edx, esi                        ; if the address is greater, than it already sorted, skip to end
        JG endinner
        loop L1
        mov [eax], esi  ; move first to the second to finish the sort
        add ebx, 4    ;move to the next element of the array
    inc next   ;counting outside loop
        cmp ecx, next
        JNE outterloop ;return to top of for loop

InsertionSort ENDP

END main

1 回答 1



所以,在一开始InsertionSort你说mov edx, OFFSET myArray——它是一个指向数组的指针。然后,几行之后,mov edx, [eax-4]——哎呀,不,它是数组中的一个值。几行之后,cmp eax, [edx]——哦,不,现在它又是指向数组的指针了。

也许最后一条指令应该是cmp edx, [eax]什么?因为eax这里似乎是指向数组的指针。

于 2011-04-06T23:26:52.387 回答