我正在构建一个电子应用程序。我正在使用 Mocha 和 Spectron 进行测试。摩卡在线出错
const filebrowser = require("../src/filebrowser.js")
具体来说,当我尝试要求节点的 fs 模块时,它在第 2 行的文件浏览器模块中失败:
const {remote} = require('electron');
const fs = remote.require('fs');
我想这与 Electron 中的 Main 进程/Renderer 进程范围有关,但我不明白如何使它与 Mocha 一起正常工作。当 Mocha 测试文件依赖于我通常通过电子远程模块访问的 Node api 时,如何正确地在 Mocha 测试文件中要求我的模块?
test/test.js(这是来自他们的 github 页面的 spectron 示例代码)。我通过 package.json 脚本(npm 测试)使用“mocha”命令运行它。请注意,我什至还没有为我的文件浏览器模块编写测试,它在 require 语句上失败了。
const Application = require('spectron').Application
const assert = require('assert')
const electronPath = require('electron') // Require Electron from the binaries included in node_modules.
const path = require('path')
const filebrowser = require("../src/filebrowser.js")
describe('Application launch', function () {
beforeEach(function () {
this.app = new Application({
path: electronPath,
// use the main.js file in package.json located 1 level above.
args: [path.join(__dirname, '..')]
return this.app.start()
afterEach(function () {
if (this.app && this.app.isRunning()) {
return this.app.stop()
it('shows an initial window', function () {
return this.app.client.getWindowCount().then(function (count) {
assert.equal(count, 1)
const {remote} = require('electron');
const fs = remote.require('fs');
const Path = require('path');
module.exports = {
//note that I would be calling fs functions in here, but I never get that far because the error happens on remote.require('fs')
determineFiletype: function(currentDirectory, fileName){}