我在 API 调用中获取 base64 图像,我需要将这些图像存储为本地文件。
我试图编写这些数据,而不必将字符串转换为 UIImage,然后将UIImage 转换为JPEGRepresentation。
如果可以避免的话,我不希望先创建 UIImages 然后更改为 JPEGs 的开销,但我不知道这是否可能?
extension NSData {
func writeToURL2(named:URL, completion: @escaping (_ result: Bool, _ url:NSURL?) -> Void) {
let tmpURL = named as NSURL
DispatchQueue.global(qos: .background).async { [weak self] () -> Void in
guard let strongSelf = self else { completion (false, tmpURL); return }
strongSelf.write(to: tmpURL as URL, atomically: true)
var error:NSError?
if tmpURL.checkResourceIsReachableAndReturnError(&error) {
print("We have it")
completion(true, tmpURL)
} else {
print("We Don't have it\(error?.localizedDescription)")
completion (false, tmpURL)
for employee in syncReponse
if let employeeJsonStr = employee["data"] as? String{
if let employeeDataDict = try? JSONSerializer.toDictionary(employeeJsonStr), let proPic = employeeDataDict["profilepicture"] as? String, proPic.removingWhitespaces() != "", let idStr = employeeDataDict["employeeId"] as? String, let proPicData = (proPic.data(using: .utf8)) {
let empPicDir = mainDir.appendingPathComponent(util_Constants.DIR_EMP_PICS)
let filename = empPicDir.appendingPathComponent(idStr+".jpg")
(proPicData as NSData).writeToURL2(named: filename, completion: { (result, url) -> Void in
let Emp = DATA_EP_employee(employeeJsonStr : employeeJsonStr)
reqCount += 1