我们的项目使用 TestCafe 进行 e2e 测试。由于导航到 URL 的环境间歇性失败(Ping 或其他问题)。testCafe 隔离模式不是正确的解决方案,因为一次成功就表示成功。我正在尝试为自动脚本编写一个解决方案,以便在未加载正确的 URL 时重试。我想实现类似这样的期望语句,而不是“期望”导致测试失败或使用硬 .wait(30000)
await t.expect(getLocation()).contains('/page', { timeout: 30000});
test('Should login and navigate to desired URL', async t => {
console.log('Login Page');
await login.login('userName', 'password', '/page');
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
await t.wait(30000);
url = await getUrl();
if (!url.includes('/page')) {
console.log('Retrying Login ' + (i + 1) + ' of 3');
await login.login('userName', 'password', '/page);
// there is a delay before the page loads
// .wait(30000); <== trying to avoid this if possible
// await t.expect(getLocation()).contains('/page', { timeout: 30000}); <== would prefer something like this without the causing a test failure
url = await getUrl();
} else {
console.log('Login Valid');
i = 3;
console.log('Location Page');
await t.expect(getLocation()).contains('/page', { timeout: 30000});
// ... script continues...
export async function getUrl() {
const getLocation = ClientFunction(() => document.location.href);
const url = getLocation();
return url;
async login(username: string, password: string, endpoint: string) {
let url = await setUrl(environment);
url = url + endpoint;
await t
.expect(this.userName.exists).ok('username field exists', {timeout: 20000})
.expect(this.userName.hasAttribute( 'disabled')).notOk('username field enabled', {timeout: 20000})
.typeText(this.userName, username)
// ----
.expect(this.password.exists).ok('password field exists', {timeout: 2000})
.expect(this.password.hasAttribute( 'disabled')).notOk('username field enabled', {timeout: 2000})
.typeText(this.password, password)
// ----
.expect(this.submitBtn.exists).ok('submit button field exists', {timeout: 2000})
.expect(this.submitBtn.hasAttribute( 'disabled')).notOk('username field enabled', {timeout: 2000})
所需的解决方案将在失败之前重试登录功能 3 次。