当我在 TF 中阅读 XLA 的代码时,我遇到了以下代码片段。
// Adapter class that wraps a Tensorflow allocator as an XLA allocator.
// Assumes that the Tensorflow allocator permits asynchronous deallocation:
// see comment on `AllowsAsynchronousDeallocation()`.
class XlaAllocator : public xla::DeviceMemoryAllocator {
XlaAllocator(const se::Platform* platform, Allocator* wrapped);
~XlaAllocator() override;
xla::StatusOr<xla::OwningDeviceMemory> Allocate(
int device_ordinal, uint64 size, bool retry_on_failure) override;
Status Deallocate(int device_ordinal, se::DeviceMemoryBase mem) override;
// The Tensorflow BFC allocator used on GPU allows host-side deallocation
// before GPU execution takes place. Tensorflow uses the ordering of the main
// compute stream to enforce a happens-before relationship between a memory
// allocation and code that reuses the same memory. If Tensorflow adds
// support for multiple GPU streams or allocators with different ordering
// requirements, this code may need to change.
// (This attribute has no effect on CPU.)
bool AllowsAsynchronousDeallocation() const override { return true; }
Allocator* wrapped_;
如评论中所示,它表示 GPU 上使用的 Tensorflow BFC 分配器允许在 GPU 执行之前进行主机端释放。
这真的让我很困惑。在深入研究了 BFCAllocator 的代码后,我没有发现任何支持这一点的东西。
- Tensorflow BFC 分配器真的支持从主机端进行异步释放吗?
- 如果这是真的,那我错过了什么?