我们正在尝试为我们的网站创建 A/B 测试框架。我们决定使用谷歌优化工具。但我们不需要他们内置的可视化编辑器,只使用他们的实验管理(变量百分比、目标、目标、报告)并在我们的 javascript 代码中进行所有更改(使用 AngularJS 框架编写)。


function gtag() {dataLayer.push(arguments)}

function implementExperimentA(value) {
  if (value ==  '0') {
    // Provide code for visitors in the original.
  } else if (value == '1') {
    // Provide code for visitors in first variant.
  } else if (value == '2') {
    // Provide code for visitors in section variant.

gtag('event', 'optimize.callback', {
    name: '<experiment_id_A>',
    callback: implementExperimentA


google_optimize &&  google_optimize.get('<experiment_id_A>');

for example 
var variantId = google_optimize.get('someTest');

if (variantId == '0'){
   // blue button
else if (variantId == '1'){
   // red button

什么是做我正在寻找的正确方法。我应该为此目的使用谷歌优化吗?(仅在没有编辑器的代码中进行 AB 测试)


2 回答 2




请查看此完整示例,并随时尝试和增强它。您需要做的就是设置一个 A/B 测试,您可以在其中匹配定位规则(因此预览模式将正常工作),并且您可以跳过编辑器进行此实验。您需要提供您自己的实验中的实验 ID。

<!-- Just some static welcome text -->
<p id="main">This is a test page for Google Optimize JS API</p> 

<!-- Some text, that will change based on the experiment variant -->
<p id="placeholder">Eagerly waiting for an AB-test to start</p>

<!-- Main script  -->
    //mandatory call based on the support article
    function gtag() {dataLayer.push(arguments)};

    //callback function, containing actual changes
    function implementExperimentA(value, name) {
        var newText = 'Something has gone wrong. No variant found for';    

        //go through variants, and apply change for specific variants, identified by their index
        //note, the same index is present in Google Analyitcs, in the Variant dimension 
        if (value ==  '0') {    
            newText = "Bummer, you've ended up in the control group in";  
        } else if (value == '1') {  
            newText = "You've made it! You are in test group of";  

        //apply selected text to placeholder paragraph
        var el = document.getElementById('placeholder');  
        el.innerText = newText + ' experiment ' + name;  

    //mandatory call based on the support article
    //assign your experiment's ID to callback function
    gtag('event', 'optimize.callback', {    
        name: 'EXPERIMENT_ID_FROM_OPTIMIZE',    
        callback: implementExperimentA 
于 2019-04-08T18:57:33.967 回答

使用 Google Optimize 的主要原因是可视化编辑器。如果您想改为编写代码,最好自己运行实验而不向您的站点添加巨大的阻止脚本标记。


// Simple hash function
function hashFnv32a(str: string): number {
  let hval = 0x811c9dc5;
  const l = str.length;
  for (let i = 0; i < l; i++) {
    hval ^= str.charCodeAt(i);
    hval +=
      (hval << 1) + (hval << 4) + (hval << 7) + (hval << 8) + (hval << 24);
  return hval >>> 0;

// Persistent user id stored in localStorage
let id = localStorage.get("anonId")
if(!id) {
  id = Math.random()
  localStorage.set("anonId", id)

// Hash the user id with the experiment name
const n = hashFnv32a(id + "someTest")%1000/1000;

// Show the chosen variation to the user
if(n < 0.34) {
  // Original
else if(n < 0.67) {
  // First variant
else {
  // Second variant

我为此制作了一个开源库,如果您想查看它,它会添加一些不错的定位功能,以使其更适合生产 - https://github.com/growthbook/growthbook-js

于 2021-07-01T19:54:36.057 回答