I am writing the code for a server that would help two different applications in different platforms communicate with each other. To visualize it a bit it would be something like this :
What server does is rear var1 from app2, write it to app1, then read var2 from app1 and write it to app2. Like this :
var1 = app2stream.readInt();
var2 = app1stream.readDouble();
My problem is that at some point i have this code at my server :
What this means is that no matter what, and given the fact that the server is always running, app1 is the one that should connect first since app1.accept() is a blocking method.
Is there any way around this? It would be great to allow the two applications to connect to the server regardless of who "came" first and then wait for the server to proceed with the above code. Can i use threads just for the accept() part and then pass the streams to the other thread? I read a bit about channels but got a bit buffled, any examples would be great.