I use RxDB and want to update the document in it. This is how the db is created:
const _create = async function() {
const db = await RxDB.create({
name: 'myName',
adapter: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'test' ? 'memory' : 'idb',
password: process.env.DB_PASSWORD,
multiInstance: true,
ignoreDuplicate: true,
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {
window['db'] = db;
db.waitForLeadership().then(() => {});
await Promise.all(collections.map(colData => db.collection(colData))).catch(
e => e,
return db;
This is the method to get the db:
const getDB = () => {
if (!dbPromise) dbPromise = _create();
return dbPromise;
And this is the generator function to save data to DB:
export function* saveDataToDb(action) {
const { key, value } = action;
try {
const db = yield getDB();
const userDoc = yield db['my_collection'].find({ user: 'myUser' })
.then(docs => docs[0]);
const operationType = value ? '$set' : '$unset';
const updatedDoc = yield userDoc
[operationType]: {
[`unsavedData.${key}`]: value ? value.toJS() : '',
.then(doc => doc);
yield updatedDoc.save();
} catch (error) {
The issue is: usually saveDataToDb
function works pretty good, but after calling it several times, it goes to catch
with this error:
CustomPouchError: {
docId: "myUser"
error: true
id: "myUser"
message: "Document update conflict"
name: "conflict"
status: 409
It happens when I'm trying to yield userDoc.update
I know that this issue could happen because of different _rev
properties in original and updated documents after update.then()
, but redefining the value of _rev
in updated document does not help!
I also have found this solution for PouchDB
: https://github.com/pouchdb/pouchdb/issues/1691#issuecomment-38112213
Since I'm new in RxDB, please pinpoint what should I do regarding to RxDB document.update! Thanks in advance.
UPD: I tried to use atomicUpdate this way:
const changedData = oldDoc => {
const val = value ? value.toJS() : '';
oldDoc.unsavedData[key] = val;
return oldDoc;
const updatedDoc = yield userDoc.atomicUpdate(changedData).then(doc => doc);
yield updatedDoc.save();
But data is not updated in the database. Perhaps, I'm doing it in the wrong way? How should I use atomicUpdate regarding to update method in the code above?