Converting the code in the following swift sample to C# (Xamarin) to notify the App when Paypal Token is received inside SFSafariViewController but it does not fire the method.


Converted the swift to C# as following but after user login to PayPal and receives the token, Safari is not closing to fire SetupMerchant()

UrlSchemes is also set to retailsdksampleapp to match the sample swift app from PayPal.

SafariDelegate safariDelegate = new SafariDelegate(this);
NSNotificationCenter.DefaultCenter.AddObserver(new NSString("kCloseSafariViewControllerNotification"), safariDelegate.SetupMerchant);
void loadBrowser()
    var url = new NSUrl("https://paypalauth.herokuapp.com/toPayPal/" + Application.paypalEnvironment + "?returnTokenOnQueryString=true");
    var svc = new SFSafariViewController(url);
    svc.Delegate = safariDelegate;
    this.PresentViewController(svc, true, null);
public class SafariDelegate : SFSafariViewControllerDelegate
    ViewController _controller = null;
    public SafariDelegate(ViewController controller)
        _controller = controller;

    public void SetupMerchant(NSNotification notification)
        // Dismiss the SFSafariViewController when the notification of token has been received.
            this._controller.PresentedViewController?.DismissViewController(true, () => { });

        // Grab the token(s) from the notification and pass it into the merchant initialize call to set up
        // the merchant.  Upon successful initialization, the 'Connect Card Reader' button will be
        // enabled for use.
        var accessToken = notification.Object.ToString();

When running the swift sample app from Paypal, it closes the browser (SFSafariViewController) after login and fires the SetupMerchant() but not in the C# code. There is possibly a missing step or invalid code conversion.


1 回答 1


如果 Safari 控制器没有关闭并且您设置了正确的 UrlScheme (),那么您在类中缺少用于侦听您的应用程序的 url 方案并发布您的视图控制器正在侦听的通知的OpenUrl覆盖。AppDelegate


public bool OpenUrl(UIApplication application, NSUrl url, string sourceApplication, NSObject annotation)
    if (sourceApplication == "com.apple.SafariViewService")
        var dict = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(url.Query);
        var token = dict["access_token"];
        NSNotificationCenter.DefaultCenter.PostNotificationName("kCloseSafariViewControllerNotification", new NSString(token));
    return true;
于 2019-04-05T00:38:37.067 回答