Currently i am writing unit tests for repository, wrapping linq2db methods. I am trying to mock a simple select method but of course you can't mock extension methods like GetTable() or Insert(item).

What i am currently trying to do is set up a simple test using Moq, AutoFixture and Autofac

using (var mock = AutoMock.GetLoose())
     var fixture = new Fixture();
     var customers = fixture

        .Setup(item => item.GetTable<Customer>().ToList())

     var cls = mock.Create<CustomerRepository>();

     var actual = cls.GetAllAsync().Result;

     Assert.IsTrue(actual != null);
     Assert.Equals(customers.Count, actual.Count());

The test of course fails at Setup, since GetTable<Customer>() is an extension method of IDataContext.

How do you properly test a repository wrapping linq2db?


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