

我编写了一个假设策略来生成以下形式的单调(ANDS 和 OR)策略表达式:

(A and (B or C))

这可以被认为是一个树结构,其中 A、B 和 C 是叶节点的属性,而“和”和“或”是非叶节点。


>>> find(policy_expressions(), lambda x: len(x.split()) > 3)
'(A or (A or A))'



(N or (WlIorO and (nX <= 55516 and e)))



def test_keygen_encrypt_proxy_decrypt_decrypt_execution_time(data, n):
    :param n: the input size n. Number of attributes or leaf nodes in policy tree.

    policy_str = data.draw(strategy=policy_expressions().filter(lambda x: len(extract_attributes(group, x)) == n),
                           label="policy string")


该解决方案的问题在于,当n> 16 时,假设抛出:

hypothesis.errors.Unsatisfiable: Unable to satisfy assumptions of hypothesis test_keygen_encrypt_proxy_decrypt_decrypt_execution_time.

我想用 100 个叶节点生成有效的策略表达式。



(N or (WlIorO and (nX <= 55516 and e)))




这是策略代码(无论如何它在 Charm Crypto 中的开源)

from hypothesis.strategies import text, composite, sampled_from, characters, one_of, integers

def policy_expressions():
    return one_of(attributes(), inequalities(), policy_expression())

def policy_expression(draw):
    left = draw(policy_expressions())
    right = draw(policy_expressions())
    gate = draw(gates())
    return u'(' + u' '.join((left, gate, right)) + u')'

def attributes():
    return text(min_size=1, alphabet=characters(whitelist_categories='L', max_codepoint=0x7e))

def inequalities(draw):
    attr = draw(attributes())
    oper = draw(inequality_operators())
    numb = draw(integers(min_value=1))
    return u' '.join((attr, oper, str(numb)))

def inequality_operators():
    return sampled_from((u'<', u'>', u'<=', u'>='))

def gates():
    return sampled_from((u'or', u'and'))

def assert_valid(policy_expression):
    assert policy_expression  # not empty
    assert policy_expression.count(u'(') == policy_expression.count(u')')



1 回答 1



from hypothesis.strategies import text, composite, sampled_from, characters, one_of, integers

def policy_expressions_of_size(num_leaves):
    if num_leaves == 1:
        return attributes()
    elif num_leaves == 2:
        return one_of(inequalities(), policy_expression(num_leaves))
        return policy_expression(num_leaves)

policy_expressions = integers(min_value=1, max_value=500).flatmap(policy_expressions_of_size)

def policy_expression(draw, num_leaves):
    left_leaves = draw(integers(min_value=1, max_value=num_leaves - 1))
    right_leaves = num_leaves - left_leaves
    left = draw(policy_expressions_of_size(left_leaves))
    right = draw(policy_expressions_of_size(right_leaves))
    gate = draw(gates())
    return u'(' + u' '.join((left, gate, right)) + u')'

def attributes():
    return text(min_size=1, alphabet=characters(whitelist_categories='L', max_codepoint=0x7e))

def inequalities(draw):
    attr = draw(attributes())
    oper = draw(inequality_operators())
    numb = draw(integers(min_value=1))
    return u' '.join((attr, oper, str(numb)))

def inequality_operators():
    return sampled_from((u'<', u'>', u'<=', u'>='))

def gates():
    return sampled_from((u'or', u'and'))


>>> policy_expressions.example()
'((((((oOjFo or (((cH and (Q or (uO > 18 and byy))) and kS) or pqKUUZ > 74)) and (gi or mwsrU <= 4115)) and qLkVSTqXZxgScTj) and (vNJ > 969 and (Drwvh or (((xhmsWhHpc or hQSMnfgyiYnblLFJ) or sesfHbQ) and jt)))) or xS) and ((V and (mArqYR or qY)) or (((uVf and bbtKUCnecMKjRJD > 18944) and nerVkPSs < 29292) and (UlOJebfbgcJz or (bxfVfjgmfulSB > 71 or (jqGLlr or (zQqj and zqUGwc < 24845)))))))'
>>> policy_expressions_of_size(1).example()
>>> policy_expressions_of_size(2).example()
'KJAitOKC > 18179'
>>> policy_expressions_of_size(10).example()
'(((htjdVy or (((XTfZil or (rqZw and DEOeER)) and xGVsdeQJLTJxLsC < 388312303) or LxLfUPljUTH)) or (Kb or EoipoYzjncAGKTE)) or bc)'
>>> policy_expressions_of_size(100).example()
'(((((CxySeUrNW or bZG) or (gzSUGgTG and (((V or n) or wqA) or veuTEnjGKwIpkDDDBiQkMwsNbxrBv))) or (((SKgQSXtAg or ChCHcEsVavy) and (((Yxj and xcCX) or QrILGAWxVKXWRb > 98817811688973569232860005374239659122) or JD <= 28510)) and KhrGfZciz > 4057857855522854443)) and (ZMIzFELKAKDMrH and (((MOmAZ and J <= 22052) or (Scy >= 17563 and (VCS and ((FFLa and EtZvqwNymnZNnjlREM) or pU)))) or A))) and ((((kaYzzIXIu and (lwos and (vp and GqG))) and ((Nh and lb) or ((TbNZWYOpYmj and (AQs or w)) or NjFYLBr > 228431293))) or ((((FTSXkXGZyKXD or zXeVEqNgkyXI) or mNGI) or ((cGOGK or gjcI) and DQzYonXszfSrZMB)) and JI > 3802)) or (((jIREd and IVzFB >= 28149) and (UdCBg < 20 or (VSGxr or XBuiS <= 1615))) and (rE > 10511139808015932 and ((((((((W and u) or yslVZ) or (eVGlz < 7033 or UiE)) and ((trOmArBc and Zx) or mPKva)) or ((qqDmKUpAnW or yvSkhTgqXQaLnxL) or Z)) or snXcMDhhf) and ((Wu or XSjbKdsZqEiXXvOb) and (DNZg and qv >= 7503))) and ((rnffxTLThwvw >= 24460 and ((oO or y <= 24926) and (NjM and vEHukii))) or ((((BTdpW and rP) or (rjUylCZwJzGobXZR or MNoBdEEIuLbTRvZHMb < 7958346708112664935)) and ((YU or gY >= 15498) and (s and GnOydthO > 103))) or ((caumKPjp < 27 and OQoFXscbD) or ((qaxYwfnelmetYqHKnatQ or P) and (ixzsvX and mYROpqoHAqeEy))))))))))'
于 2019-04-05T23:48:16.923 回答