I am working on streaming audio recognition with IBM Watson speech to text web service API. I have created a web-socket with boost (beast 1.68.0) library in C++(std 11).
I have successfully connected to the IBM server, and want to send a 231,296 bytes of raw audio data to server in following manner.
"action": "start",
"content-type": "audio/l16;rate=44100"
<bytes of binary audio data 50,000 bytes>
<bytes of binary audio data 50,000 bytes>
<bytes of binary audio data 50,000 bytes>
<bytes of binary audio data 50,000 bytes>
<bytes of binary audio data 31,296 bytes>
"action": "stop"
Expected Result from IBMServer is :
{"results": [
{"alternatives": [
{ "confidence": xxxx,
"transcript": "call Rohan Chauhan "
}],"final": true
}], "result_index": 0
But I am not getting the desired result: rather the error says "Broken pipe"
DataSize is: 50000 | mIsLast is : 0
DataSize is: 50000 | mIsLast is : 0
what : Broken pipe
DataSize is: 50000 | mIsLast is : 0
what : Operation canceled
DataSize is: 50000 | mIsLast is : 0
what : Operation canceled
DataSize is: 31296 | mIsLast is : 0
what : Operation canceled
Here is my code which is an adaptation of the sample example given in beast library.
class IbmWebsocketSession: public std::enable_shared_from_this<IbmWebsocketSession> {
char binarydata[50000];
std::string TextStart;
std::string TextStop;
explicit IbmWebsocketSession(net::io_context& ioc, ssl::context& ctx, SttService* ibmWatsonobj) :
mResolver(ioc), mWebSocket(ioc, ctx) {
TextStart ="{\"action\":\"start\",\"content-type\": \"audio/l16;rate=44100\"}";
TextStop = "{\"action\":\"stop\"}";
* Desc : Send start frame
void send_start(beast::error_code ec);
* Desc : Send Binary data
void send_binary(beast::error_code ec);
* Desc : Send Stop frame
void send_stop(beast::error_code ec);
* Desc : Read the file for binary data to be sent
void readFile(char *bdata, unsigned int *Len, unsigned int *start_pos,bool *ReachedEOF);
void IbmWebsocketSession::on_ssl_handshake(beast::error_code ec) {
return fail(ec, "connect");
// Perform the websocket handshake
ws_.async_handshake_ex(host, "/speech-to-text/api/v1/recognize", [Token](request_type& reqHead) {reqHead.insert(http::field::authorization,Token);},bind(&IbmWebsocketSession::send_start, shared_from_this(),placeholders::_1));
void IbmWebsocketSession::send_start(beast::error_code ec){
return fail(ec, "ssl_handshake");
bind(&IbmWebsocketSession::send_binary, shared_from_this(),placeholders::_1));
void IbmWebsocketSession::send_binary(beast::error_code ec) {
return fail(ec, "send_start");
readFile(binarydata, &Datasize, &StartPos, &IsLast);
if (!IsLast) {
ws_.async_write(net::buffer(binarydata, Datasize),
bind(&IbmWebsocketSession::send_binary, shared_from_this(),
} else {
void IbmWebsocketSession::on_binarysent(beast::error_code ec) {
return fail(ec, "send_binary");
bind(&IbmWebsocketSession::read_response, shared_from_this(), placeholders::_1));
void IbmWebsocketSession::readFile(char *bdata, unsigned int *Len, unsigned int *start_pos,bool *ReachedEOF) {
unsigned int end = 0;
unsigned int start = 0;
unsigned int length = 0;
// Creation of ifstream class object to read the file
ifstream infile(filepath, ifstream::binary);
if (infile) {
// Get the size of the file
infile.seekg(0, ios::end);
end = infile.tellg();
infile.seekg(*start_pos, ios::beg);
start = infile.tellg();
length = end - start;
if ((size_t) length < 150) {
*Len = (size_t) length;
*ReachedEOF = true;
// cout << "Reached end of File (last 150 bytes)" << endl;
} else if ((size_t) length <= 50000) { //Maximumbytes to send are 50000
*Len = (size_t) length;
*start_pos += (size_t) length;
*ReachedEOF = false;
infile.read(bdata, length);
} else {
*Len = 50000;
*start_pos += 50000;
*ReachedEOF = false;
infile.read(bdata, 50000);
Any suggestions here?