我需要将大文件上传到我的网站,为此,我使用了Dropzone JSpion/laravel-chunk-upload,我不明白,一切都是好的和真实的,但是尽管如此,任何大文件的上传未完成,上传小文件时,我得到了结果,但是当我尝试使用更大的文件时,例如 5MB,

  • 它在主机上传的一部分停止,例如(Hostinger)
  • 不起作用并从 Laravel验证器为 WampServer 4 (localhost)给出错误




<form action="{{ route('files') }}" enctype="multipart/form-data" class="dropzone" id="fileupload" method="POST">
      <input type="hidden" name="item_id" value="{{ $item->id }}">
      <div class="fallback">
           <input name="file" type="files" multiple />


    protected function uploadFiles(Request $request) {
        $validator = Validator::make($request->all(), [
            'file' => 'required|max:3145730', // 3GB
            'item_id' => 'required|numeric'

        $item_id = $request->item_id;
        $item_data = Item::whereId($item_id)->where('user_id', Auth::id())->whereStatus(0)->first();

        if (!$item_data || $validator->fails()) {
            return response()->json([
                'status' => true,
                'error' => 'Invalid data!'
            ], 401); 

        if ($request->hasFile('file')) { 
            # CHECK IF IS FILE
            if ($request->file('file')->isValid()) {
                $file = $request->file('file');
                # UPLOAD
                $type = strtolower($file->getClientOriginalExtension());
                $mime = $file->getMimeType();
                $size = $file->getSize();
                $width = null;
                $height = null;

                if (!in_array($type, ['png', 'jpeg', 'jpg', 'zip']) || !in_array($mime, ['application/octet-stream', 'application/zip', 'image/jpg', 'image/png', 'image/jpeg'])) {
                    return response()->json([
                        'status' => true,
                        'error' => 'You can\'t upload files of this type.'
                    ], 401); 

                // create the file receiver
                $receiver = new FileReceiver("file", $request, HandlerFactory::classFromRequest($request));
                // check if the upload is success, throw exception or return response you need
                if ($receiver->isUploaded() === false) {
                    throw new UploadMissingFileException();
                // receive the file
                $save = $receiver->receive();
                // check if the upload has finished (in chunk mode it will send smaller files)
                if ($save->isFinished()) {
                    // save the file and return any response you need, current example uses `move` function. If you are
                    // not using move, you need to manually delete the file by unlink($save->getFile()->getPathname())
                    if (in_array($type, ['png', 'jpeg', 'jpg'])) {
                        list($width, $height) = getimagesize($file);
                    return $this->saveFile($save->getFile(), $item_id, $type, $mime, $size, $width, $height);
                // we are in chunk mode, lets send the current progress
                /** @var AbstractHandler $handler */
                $handler = $save->handler();
                return response()->json([
                    "done" => $handler->getPercentageDone(),
                    'status' => true
        return response()->json([
            'status' => true,
            'error' => 'Invalid data! Please upload a valid file.'
        ], 401); 


Dropzone.prototype.defaultOptions.dictDefaultMessage = "DRAG & DROP FILES HERE TO UPLOAD";
var myDropzone = new Dropzone("#fileupload", {
    acceptedFiles: ".jpg, .jpeg, .png, .zip",
    chunking: true,
    method: "POST",
    maxFilesize: 3072, // 3GB
    chunkSize: 10000000, // 10MB
    maxFiles: 6,
    parallelChunkUploads: true,

1 回答 1


检查您的 PHP.ini 配置以获得最大大小。

upload_max_filesize = 10M
post_max_size = 11M
于 2019-03-28T18:08:23.690 回答