我正在尝试编写一个程序来验证用类似于 BBcode 的标记语言编写的文档。
这种标记语言既有匹配的 ( [b]bold[/b] text
) 标记,也有不匹配的 ( today is [date]
) 标记。不幸的是,不能选择使用不同的标记语言。
[large]test1 [large]test2[/large] test3[/large]
它应该匹配整个字符串,但在 test3 之前停止)
这是 regex101.com 上的正则表达式:https ://regex101.com/r/laJSLZ/1
此测试不需要在几毫秒甚至几秒内完成,但它确实需要能够在 Travis-CI 构建合理的时间内验证大约 100 个文件,每个文件包含 1,000 到 10,000 个字符。
import io, regex # https://pypi.org/project/regex/
# All the tags that must have opening and closing tags
matching_tags = 'b', 'i', 'u', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'large', 'small', 'list', 'table', 'grid'
# our first part matches an opening tag:
# \[(b|i|u|h1|h2|h3|large|small|list|table|grid)\]
# our middle part matches the text in the middle, including any properly formed tag sets in between:
# (?:((?!\[\/\1\]).)*?|(?R))*
# our last part matches the closing tag for our first match:
# \[\/\1\]
pattern = r'\[(' + '|'.join(matching_tags) + r')\](?:((?!\[\/\1\]).)*?|(?R))*\[\/\1\]'
myRegex = re.compile(pattern)
data = ''
with open('input.txt', 'r') as file:
data = '[br]'.join(file.readlines())
def validate(text):
valid = True
for node in all_nodes(text):
valid = valid and is_valid(node)
return valid
# (Only important thing here is that I call this on every node, this
# should work fine but the regex to get me those nodes does not.)
# markup should be valid iff opening and closing tag counts are equal
# in the whole file, in each matching top-level pair of tags, and in
# each child all the way down to the smallest unit (a string that has
# no tags at all)
def is_valid(text):
valid = True
for tag in matching_tags:
valid = valid and text.count(f'[{tag}]') == text.count(f'[/{tag}]')
return valid
# this returns each child of the text given to it
# this call:
# all_nodes('[b]some [large]text to[/large] validate [i]with [u]regex[/u]![/i] love[/b] to use [b]regex to [i]do stuff[/i][/b]')
# should return a list containing these strings:
# [b]some [large]text to[/large] validate [i]with [u]regex[/u]![/i] love[/b]
# [large]text to[/large]
# [i]with [u]regex[/u]![/i]
# [u]regex[/u]
# [b]regex to [i]do stuff[/i][/b]
# [i]do stuff[/i]
def all_nodes(text):
matches = myRegex.findall(text)
if len(matches) > 0:
for m in matches:
result += all_nodes(m)
return result
exit(0 if validate(data) else 1)