我是 javascript 家族的新手,我正在编写一个反应原生的小程序。我正在尝试 SampleFunction2 返回人口普查并在按钮按下时将其呈现在 Flatlist 上。我不应该为按钮 onpress(事件)返回值吗?什么是正确的方法?谢谢
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { StyleSheet, FlatList,TouchableOpacity,Text, ListView,View,
Button, Alert } from 'react-native';
export default class App extends Component<{}> {
var census = [
{name: 'Devin', id :0},
{name: 'Jackson', id:1},
{name: 'James', id:2},]
return census;
render() {
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
<Button onPress={this.SampleFunction2.bind(this)} title="Click here
to call function - One"
//Here I was thinking I could overlay the return value into Flatlist
//<Button onPress={this.SampleFunction1.bind(this)} title= "Click
// here to call Function - One"/>
//data = {this.SampleFunction2()}
// renderItem = {({item}) =>
// <Text>{item.name}</Text>
// }
// />