I am making a website for college administration where professors log in and assign marks to the students they are teaching.
There's a table, called "IA_Marks" in my database:
There's also a table called "Classroom_Mapper" in my database, that helps map a professor to a classroom, with a subject:
This is a method in my controller:
public function showTable(){
$sem = DB::table('classroom_mappers')->where('Prof_ID', auth()->user()->PID)->pluck('semester');
$division = DB::table('classroom_mappers')->where('Prof_ID', auth()->user()->PID)->pluck('division');
$data = DB::table('iamarks')->where([['semester','=',$sem],['division','=',$division]])->get();
return view('ia',compact('data'));
Using this, I can fetch rows that belong to the professor who has logged in.
But, there's a problem.
Say the professor teaches two subjects, in two semesters. Then, the where
clause will return multiple results from the mapper table.
For example:
select semester from classroom_mapper where Prof_ID=auth()->user()->Prof_ID
Then the students from both 5th and 8th semester will be shown on his dashboard. Our target semester was, say 5th. Then it'll be a problem.
Registering for a subject, is done as shown here: form screenshot
Let's call the subject being registered in the screenshot "SUBJECT 4". It is a subject for the 5th semester, division A.
I want to dynamically make a button(SUBJECT 4) on the dashboard, which when clicked, sends the semester(5) and division(A) of choice to the controller. Dashboard Screenshot
This button should open a newly made page with name of the subject(subject4.blade.php), where the database table contents for target semester and division(5 and A) will be shown.
How do I make this dynamic view creating button which sends specific info to controller? Is it even possible?