我一直在用纯 Python 编写一个路径跟踪器,只是为了好玩,而且由于我之前的阴影不太漂亮(兰伯特余弦定律),我正在尝试实现递归路径跟踪。




def TracePath2(ray, scene, bounce_count):
  result = 100000.0
  hit = False

  answer = Color(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)

  for object in scene.objects:
    test = object.intersection(ray)

    if test and test < result:
      result = test
      hit = object

  if not hit:
    return answer

  if hit.emittance:
    return hit.diffuse * hit.emittance

  if hit.diffuse:
    direction = RandomDirectionInHemisphere(hit.normal(ray.position(result)))

    n = Ray(ray.position(result), direction)
    dp = direction.dot(hit.normal(ray.position(result)))
    answer += TracePath2(n, scene, bounce_count + 1) * hit.diffuse * dp

  return answer

我的场景(我制作了自定义 XML 描述格式)是这样的:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

  <camera name="camera">
    <position x="0" y="-5" z="0" />
    <direction x="0" y="1" z="0" />

    <focalplane width="0.5" height="0.5" offset="1.0" pixeldensity="1600" />

    <sphere name="sphere1" radius="1.0">
      <material emittance="0.9" reflectance="0">
        <diffuse r="0.5" g="0.5" b="0.5" />

      <position x="1" y="0" z="0" />

    <sphere name="sphere2" radius="1.0">
      <material emittance="0.0" reflectance="0">
        <diffuse r="0.8" g="0.5" b="0.5" />

      <position x="-1" y="0" z="0" />



def Trace(ray, scene, n):
  if n > 10: # Max raydepth of 10. In my scene, the max should be around 4, since there are only a few objects to bounce off, but I agree, there should be a cap.
    return Color(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)

  result = 1000000.0 # It's close to infinity...
  hit = False

  for object in scene.objects:
    test = object.intersection(ray)

    if test and test < result:
      result = test
      hit = object

  if not hit:
    return Color(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)

  point = ray.position(result)

  normal = hit.normal(point)
  direction = RandomNormalInHemisphere(normal) # I won't post that code, but rest assured, it *does* work.

  if direction.dot(ray.direction) > 0.0:
    point = ray.origin + ray.direction * (result + 0.0000001) # We're going inside an object (for use when tracing glass), so move a tad bit inside to prevent floating-point errors.
    point = ray.origin + ray.direction * (result - 0.0000001) # We're bouncing off. Move away from surface a little bit for same reason.

  newray = Ray(point, direction)

  return Trace(newray, scene, n + 1) * hit.diffuse + Color(hit.emittance, hit.emittance, hit.emittance) # Haven't implemented colored lights, so it's a shade of gray for now.


origin = scene.camera.pos                 # + 0.5 because it      # 
                                          # puts the ray in the   # This calculates the width of one "unit"
                                          # *middle* of the pixel # 
worldX = scene.camera.focalplane.width - (x + 0.5)                * (2 * scene.camera.focalplane.width / scene.camera.focalplane.canvasWidth)
worldY = scene.camera.pos.y - scene.camera.focalplane.offset # Offset of the imaging plane is know, and it's normal to the camera's direction (directly along the Y-axis in this case).
worldZ = scene.camera.focalplane.height - (y + 0.5)               * (2 * scene.camera.focalplane.height / scene.camera.focalplane.canvasHeight)

ray = Ray(origin, (scene.camera.pos + Point(worldX, worldY, worldZ)).norm())

1 回答 1


我的第一个问题是应该if test > result:if test < result:?您正在寻找最近的命中,而不是最远的命中。

第二,你为什么要direction*0.00001在这里加生命值n = Ray(ray.position(result) + direction * 0.00001, direction)?这会将你的新射线的起点放在球体内。我相信当你递归调用时TracePath2,你乘以的点积将是负数,这将有助于解释问题。


这条线让我感到困惑:answer += TracePath2(n, scene, bounce_count + 1) * hit.diffuse * dp. 首先answer将只是Color(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)这样你就可以简单地return racePath2(n, scene, bounce_count + 1) * hit.diffuse * dp。但这仍然困扰着我,因为我不明白你为什么要乘以递归调用和hit.diffuse. 这样的事情对我来说更有意义return racePath2(n, scene, bounce_count + 1) * dp + hit.diffuse。还有一件事,你永远不会检查bounce_count. 无论如何,你永远不会在这个场景中永远递归,但如果你想渲染更大的场景,你会在一开始就想要这样的东西if bounce_count > 15: return black


我看到我仍然想知道的一件事是最后的 if-else。首先,我不完全确定那部分代码在做什么。我认为您正在测试射线是否在物体内部。在这种情况下,您的测试将是这样的inside = normal.dot(ray.direction) > 0.0。我只是在测试,normal而不是direction因为在半球中使用随机方向可能会给出错误的答案。现在,如果你在物体里面,你想出去,但如果你已经出去了,你想留在外面?就像我说的,我不太确定那部分应该做什么。

于 2011-04-03T23:43:41.623 回答