Next Weekday
This finds the next weekday from a specific date (not including Saturday or Sunday):
echo date('Y-m-d', strtotime('2011-04-05 +1 Weekday'));
You could also do it with a date variable of course:
$myDate = '2011-04-05';
echo date('Y-m-d', strtotime($myDate . ' +1 Weekday'));
UPDATE: Or, if you have access to PHP's DateTime class (very likely):
$date = new DateTime('2018-01-27');
$date->modify('+7 weekday');
echo $date->format('Y-m-d');
Want to Skip Holidays?:
Although the original poster mentioned "I don't need to consider holidays", if you DO happen to want to ignore holidays, just remember - "Holidays" is just an array of whatever dates you don't want to include and differs by country, region, company, person...etc.
Simply put the above code into a function that excludes/loops past the dates you don't want included. Something like this:
$tmpDate = '2015-06-22';
$holidays = ['2015-07-04', '2015-10-31', '2015-12-25'];
$i = 1;
$nextBusinessDay = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($tmpDate . ' +' . $i . ' Weekday'));
while (in_array($nextBusinessDay, $holidays)) {
$nextBusinessDay = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($tmpDate . ' +' . $i . ' Weekday'));
I'm sure the above code can be simplified or shortened if you want. I tried to write it in an easy-to-understand way.