For a project I'm using both Scala and Riak (two things I have never worked with before ;) ).

Google searches seem to suggest using Riakki. However, it seems like that particular library hasn't been maintained since 2009 and doesn't even compile on my system. There is a more up-to-date fork on GitHub that does seem to work with more recent Scala versions. But Riakki seems to depend on Jiak, which has been deprecated since february of last year.

Seems like the only reasonable choice would be to use the official Riak Java-library from Scala. That's certainly possible, but I'd like to do things the Scala-way as I'm trying to learn the language. Having to interface with a Java-style API might ruin a bit of the fun. Writing my own wrapper sounds like it will be too much work.

tl;dr: I want to use Riak from Scala. What are other people using?

edit: just found Ryu (can't link to it - annoying limit on amount of hyperlinks per question for new users). Doesn't seem all that mature though.


3 回答 3


Stackmob 最近开源了 Scalariak

Scaliak 是高级 Riak Java 客户端的缩放版本,带有功能扭曲。它目前正在 StackMob 用于生产。

Scaliak 目前与原始的高级 Riak Java 客户端相比功能不完整。当前支持的主要是生产中使用的功能(有一些功能已实现但随后未使用)。


于 2012-04-19T14:49:31.263 回答

我在同一个桶里——请原谅这个糟糕的双关语——尽管我对 Scala 有一些经验。我正在考虑使用官方的Java客户端。

当您在陡峭的学习曲线上苦苦挣扎时,您不需要处理不完整且可能不稳定的 API。以我的经验,使用 Scala 的 Java API 的痛苦微乎其微。

我认为在玩我们的新 Raik 玩具时会有足够的乐趣,以至于我们会忘记 Java API 对我们造成的任何非 Scala 式的弱点。一切顺利。

于 2011-04-13T03:48:11.620 回答

我是另一个 Scala Riak 客户端的作者,简称为 riak-scala-client。它基于 Akka 和 Spray,不是建立在现有的 Java 客户端之上,最重要的是它是完全非阻塞的。


于 2013-03-20T22:14:58.187 回答