I am trying to create an apify crawler, which has multiple clickable element. First click is to paginate, second click to visit each result, third is to visit a section of each result to extract more information.
function pageFunction(context) {
var $ = context.jQuery;
if (context.request.label === 'category'|| context.request.label === 'detail') {
var result = {
item_name: $('name').text(),
categories: $('.categories').text(),
email: $('email').text(),
kvk: $('kvk').text()
return result;
} else {
The first 2 clicks are happening, it paginates and visits the results and extract first 3 values : item_name, categories and email
The fourth value : kvk is not returned. I think either the third click is not happening or the code I used have some errors. Can anyone please help me to fix this?