Yes, Erlang is a good choice if you're know it or ready to learn. With Erlang you don't need any worker thread, just implement your server in Erlang style and you'll receive multithreaded solution automatically.
Not sure how to convert Erlang program to Windows service, but probably it's doable.
Writing to the same log file from many threads are suboptimal because requires locking. It's better to have a log-entries queue (lock-free?) and a separate thread (Erlang process?) that writes them to the file. BTW, are you sure that executing external script in another language is much faster than writing a log-record to the file?
It's doubtfully you'll receive much better performance with your own serialization library than Thrift provides for free. Another option is Google Protocol Buffers, somebody claimed that it's faster.
Theoretically (!) it's possible that Erlang solution won't provide you required performance. In this case consider a compilable language, e.g. C++ and asynchronous networking, e.g. Boost.Asio. But be ready that it's much more complicated than Erlang way.