我目前正在模拟类似布料的材料,然后通过 Open Scene Graph 显示结果。我已经获得了显示类似布料的设置,只需将所有顶点转储到 1 个 Vec3Array 中,然后使用基于标准点的 DrawArrays 显示它们。但是,我正在考虑在顶点之间添加面,以便我的应用程序的另一部分可以直观地看到布料。
这就是我目前正在尝试的 PrimitiveSet
// create and add a DrawArray Primitive (see include/osg/Primitive). The first
// parameter passed to the DrawArrays constructor is the Primitive::Mode which
// in this case is POINTS (which has the same value GL_POINTS), the second
// parameter is the index position into the vertex array of the first point
// to draw, and the third parameter is the number of points to draw.
unsigned int k = CLOTH_SIZE_X;
unsigned int n = CLOTH_SIZE_Y;
osg::ref_ptr<osg::DrawElementsUInt> indices = new osg::DrawElementsUInt(GL_QUADS, (k) * (n));
for (uint y_i = 0; y_i < n - 1; y_i++) {
for (uint x_i = 0; x_i < k - 1; x_i++) {
(*indices)[y_i * k + x_i] = y_i * k + x_i;
(*indices)[y_i * (k + 1) + x_i] = y_i * (k + 1) + x_i;
(*indices)[y_i * (k + 1) + x_i + 1] = y_i * (k + 1) + x_i + 1;
(*indices)[y_i * k + x_i] = y_i * k + x_i + 1;
然而,这确实会在运行时导致内存损坏,而且我在汇编代码中不够流利,无法在 CLion 给我反汇编代码时破译它试图做错的事情。
我的想法是,我将遍历布料的每个面,然后选择属于它的顶点的 4 个索引。顶点从左上到右下依次输入。所以:
0 1 2 3 ... k-1
k k+1 k+2 k+3 ... 2k-1
2k 2k+1 2k+2 2k+3 ... 3k-1