I am starting off with an empty table (liststore with one column)
I want users to be able to import a CSV file and have the contents displayed. Importing the file works and the CSV data is indeed displayed, but the original column (titled "No Data") stays. How do I get rid of it?
I have tried removing the tree view element and even the containers (but when I do that I can't get them to display again...
I saw in the gtk docs that replacing treeView.set_model(listStore) should completely replace the existing model and columns, but it doesn't seem to...
what I'm doing now is this:
this._listStore = new Gtk.ListStore();
let coltypes = [GObject.TYPE_STRING];
// Create the treeview
this._treeView = new Gtk.TreeView({
expand: true
// Create a cell renderer for when bold text is needed
let bold = new Gtk.CellRendererText({
weight: Pango.Weight.BOLD
// Create a cell renderer for normal text
let normal = new Gtk.CellRendererText();
// Create the columns for the address book
let defCol = new Gtk.TreeViewColumn({
title: "No Data"
// Pack the cell renderers into the columns
defCol.pack_start(bold, true);
// Set each column to pull text from the TreeView's model
defCol.add_attribute(bold, "text", 0);
// Insert the columns into the treeview
this._treeView.insert_column(defCol, 0);
Then, when the csv file is uploaded I try to update the table with something like this:
this._listStore = new Gtk.ListStore();
// this._treeView.add(this._listStore);
let coltypes = [];
this.data.headers.forEach((h) => {
// Replace the treeview
this._treeView = new Gtk.TreeView ({
expand: true,
model: this._listStore });
// Create cell renderers
let normal = new Gtk.CellRendererText();
let bold = new Gtk.CellRendererText({
weight: Pango.Weight.BOLD
// Create the columns for the address book
for (k = 0; k < this.data.headers.length; k++) {
print('***key is : ' + k + ', val is : ' + this.data.headers[k] + ' of type : ' + typeof(this.data.headers[k]));
// let col=k;
this[`col_${k}`] = new Gtk.TreeViewColumn({
title: this.data.headers[k]
this[`col_${k}`].pack_start(normal, true);
if (k == 0) {
this[`col_${k}`].add_attribute(normal, "text", k);
} else {
this[`col_${k}`].add_attribute(normal, "text", k);
try {
this._treeView.insert_column(this[`col_${k}`], k);
} catch (err) {
// Put the data in the table
let i;
for (i = 0; i < this.data.csva.length; i++) {
let row = this.data.csva[i];
print('trying to push : ' + row[0].toString());
print('... the data is of type : ' + typeof(row[1]));
let iter = this._listStore.append();
// this._listStore.set (iter, [0, 1, 2],
// [contact[0].toString(), contact[1].toString(), contact[2].toString()]);
this._listStore.set(iter, Object.keys(this.data.headers), row);
Why is that initial column still there? how do I get rid of it?
Thanks in advance for any help or pointers.