我们已经使用相同的 Azure 虚拟网络(经典;证书身份验证)大约 2 年了,几乎没有问题。然而,今天,远程 (P2S) 用户遇到了错误:
The certificate's CN name does not match the passed value. (Error 0x800b010f)
S2S 连接保持连接。
Azure 中的日志不会捕获任何错误。
Windows 错误日志是这样的:
Operating System : Windows NT 10.0 Dialer Version : 7.2.17763.1 Connection Name : SSSNet All Users/Single User : Single User Start Date/Time : 3/13/2019, 10:07:07
Module Name, Time, Log ID, Log Item Name, Other Info For Connection Type, 0=dial-up, 1=VPN, 2=VPN over dial-up
[cmdial32] 10:07:07 03 Pre-Init Event CallingProcess = C:\WINDOWS\system32\rasautou.exe [cmdial32] 10:07:11 04 Pre-Connect Event ConnectionType = 1 [cmdial32] 10:07:11 06 Pre-Tunnel Event UserName = SxxxxxxVPNClient Domain = DUNSetting = 0da3e1e6-f413-4c65-acec-84283bfa09b8 Tunnel DeviceName = TunnelAddress = azuregateway-0da3e1e6-f413-4c65-acec-84283bfa09b8-db7c2be76072.cloudapp.net [cmdial32] 10:07:11 21 On-Error Event ErrorCode = -2146762481 ErrorSource = RAS [cmdial32] 10:27:30 04 Pre-Connect Event ConnectionType = 1 [cmdial32] 10:27:30 06 Pre-Tunnel Event UserName = SxxxxxxVPNClient Domain = DUNSetting = 0da3e1e6-f413-4c65-acec-84283bfa09b8 Tunnel DeviceName = WAN Miniport (SSTP) TunnelAddress = azuregateway-0da3e1e6-f413-4c65-acec-84283bfa09b8-db7c2be76072.cloudapp.net [cmdial32] 10:27:30 21 On-Error Event ErrorCode = -2146762481 ErrorSource = RAS