我正在尝试从http://ml.dask.org/examples/xgboost.html的 dask-ml 文档中重现 dask xgboost 示例。不幸的是,Dask 似乎没有完成培训,我很难追查错误和警告的含义。这是我的代码:
def main():
cluster = LocalCluster()
dask_client = Client(cluster)
x, y = make_classification(n_samples=1000, n_features=10, chunks=10, n_informative=4, random_state=0)
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(x, y, test_size=0.15)
print("classification training...")
params = {'objective': 'binary:logistic',
'max_depth': 4,
'eta': 0.01,
'subsample': 0.5,
'min_child_weight': 0.5}
bst = dask_xgboost.train(dask_client, params, X_train, y_train, num_boost_round=10)
if __name__ == '__main__':
classification training...
Socket Poll Error:WSAError-code=10022
Socket Poll Error:WSAError-code=10022
Socket Poll Error:WSAError-code=10022
Socket Poll Error:WSAError-code=10022
distributed.nanny - WARNING - Worker process 12376 exited with status 4294967295
distributed.nanny - WARNING - Worker process 3540 exited with status 4294967295
distributed.nanny - WARNING - Worker process 9424 exited with status 4294967295
distributed.nanny - WARNING - Worker process 12952 exited with status 4294967295
distributed.nanny - WARNING - Restarting worker
distributed.nanny - WARNING - Restarting worker
distributed.nanny - WARNING - Restarting worker
distributed.nanny - WARNING - Restarting worker