我正在尝试在 Windows 应用程序中以大声的形式对我的列进行 OrderBy。我尝试使用此代码:
using (SqlCommand sqlcomm = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM remaining WHERE username=@username and status=@status and company_status=@company_status ORDER BY call_case ASC , Payment_Status ASC", sqlconn))
我正在寻找的是 OrderBy (call_case) ASC,当 call_case= (2-Answer) OrderBy (Payment_Status) ASC 时。
( call_case ), ( Payment_Status )
null , null
1-No Answer , null
2-answer , 1-Promise Payment
2-answer , 2-Have Problem
2-answer , 3-Reject Payment
3- not Exist , null
我有一个注释,我可以帮助文本以数字开头,例如 1-No Answer 、2-answer 、3- not Exist