im trying to hide unused items from ngFor, the problem is, i did hide it successfully but its place still exists and empty like the image below:
My ts file:
coupon: any;
couponz() {
var data=[];
for (let co of this.shared.couponz){
data.push({ code: co.code, coEmail: co.email_restrictions[0], expiry: co.date_expires }); = data;
}return data
my data provider:
export class SharedDataProvider {
public couponz;
this.config.Woocommerce.getAsync("coupons/").then((data) => {
this.couponz = JSON.parse(data.body);
my html:
<ion-list padding>
<ion-item *ngFor="let c of coupon; trackBy: trackElement">
<div *ngIf="c.coEmail ==">