我正在使用 React-Native 构建一个多语言应用程序,我对选择国际化库有点困惑,混淆在两个库之间一个是 React-intel,另一个是 React-i18next 我与多个开发人员讨论过这个问题,答案是几乎 50/50 这就是我问这个问题的原因,任何人都可以建议我在两个图书馆之间有一个更好的理由,谢谢。


1 回答 1


Looking at both the libraries, a few things I observed:

  1. React-intel has 210 open issues, React-i18next has 0
  2. They both have a similar weekly download figure (200-300 thousand)
  3. The syntaxes are very different.

It's fair to say that since a large number of people are using each library, they will both work and will have a large network of users that could support you.

I think it's best that you look at each syntax and decide which one you like best because it will feature heavily in your code. Bear in mind that React-intel has a fair few open issues so may be more buggy...

于 2019-03-10T22:24:12.440 回答