我正在尝试在 Java 中制作一个 timSort 版本,它在 array.length < 10 之后使用插入,否则使用合并排序。假设我对insertionSort 和merge 的调用是正确的,那么是什么阻止了以下内容的插入排序和正确的timSorting?

 * timSort is a generic sorting method that sorts an array of Comparable data
 * using the TimSort algorithm. Make sure this method is public so that we can
 * test it.
 * @param data The array of data to be sorted
 * @param      <E> The Generic Element.
public static <E extends Comparable<E>> void timSort(E[] data)
    timSortHelper(data, 0, data.length - 1);


 * timSortHelper is a generic sorting method that sorts a sub-array array of
 * Comparable data using the TimSort algorithm. This method should be public for
 * testing purposes but would normally be private.
 * Ranges are specified with the parameters left and right, which are inclusive.
 * @param       <E> The Generic Element.
 * @param data  The array of data to sort
 * @param left  The index of the left-most position to sort
 * @param right The index of the right most position to sort
public static <E extends Comparable<E>> void timSortHelper(E[] data, int left, int right)
    // General Case: The sublist has at least one item in it.

    if ((right - left) >= 1)

        int middle1 = (left + right) / 2;
        int middle2 = middle1 + 1;
        if (data.length < 10)
            timSortHelper(data, left, middle1);
            timSortHelper(data, middle2, right);

        merge(data, left, middle1, middle2, right);

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