我一直在寻找一种简单的方法来使用基于密码的加密 (PBE) 对短文本消息进行加密,并使用 Google Tink 作为加密部分,但发现 Tink 本身并不提供 PBE。为了解决这个问题,我创建了一个简单的类,它使用 PBE、密钥处理和加密/解密来完成所有工作。
在程序中的使用非常简单,只需要 4 行代码即可使用:
AeadConfig.register(); // tink initialisation
TinkPbe tpbe = new TinkPbe(); // tink pbe initialisation
String ciphertextString = tpbe.encrypt(passwordChar, plaintextString); // encryption
String decryptedtextString = tpbe.decrypt(passwordChar, ciphertextString); // decryption
在我的 Github 上,您可以找到两个示例程序来展示如何实现该类(有和没有 GUI):https ://github.com/java-crypto/H-Google-Tink/tree/master/H%20Tink%20Textencryption% 20PBE
以下是 TinkPbe.java 类的源代码:
package tinkPbe;
* Diese Klasse gehört zu diesen beiden Hauptklassen
* This class belongs to these main classes:
* TinkPbeConsole.java | TinkPbeGui.java
* Herkunft/Origin: http://javacrypto.bplaced.net/
* Programmierer/Programmer: Michael Fehr
* Copyright/Copyright: frei verwendbares Programm (Public Domain)
* Copyright: This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
* Lizenttext/Licence: <http://unlicense.org>
* getestet mit/tested with: Java Runtime Environment 8 Update 191 x64
* getestet mit/tested with: Java Runtime Environment 11.0.1 x64
* Datum/Date (dd.mm.jjjj): 20.11.2019
* Funktion: verschlüsselt und entschlüsselt einen Text mittels Google Tink
* im Modus AES GCM 256 Bit. Der Schlüssel wird mittels PBE
* (Password based encryption) erzeugt.
* Function: encrypts and decrypts a text message with Google Tink.
* Used Mode is AES GCM 256 Bit. The key is generated with PBE
* (Password based encryption).
* Sicherheitshinweis/Security notice
* Die Programmroutinen dienen nur der Darstellung und haben keinen Anspruch auf eine korrekte Funktion,
* insbesondere mit Blick auf die Sicherheit !
* Prüfen Sie die Sicherheit bevor das Programm in der echten Welt eingesetzt wird.
* The program routines just show the function but please be aware of the security part -
* check yourself before using in the real world !
* Das Programm benötigt die nachfolgenden Bibliotheken (siehe Github Archiv):
* The programm uses these external libraries (see Github Archive):
* jar-Datei/-File: tink-1.2.2.jar
* https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.google.crypto.tink/tink/1.2.2
* jar-Datei/-File: protobuf-java-3.10.0.jar
* https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.google.protobuf/protobuf-java/3.10.0
* jar-Datei/-File: json-20190722.jar
* https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.json/json/20190722
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.security.GeneralSecurityException;
import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException;
import java.security.spec.InvalidKeySpecException;
import java.util.Base64;
import javax.crypto.SecretKeyFactory;
import javax.crypto.spec.PBEKeySpec;
import com.google.crypto.tink.Aead;
import com.google.crypto.tink.CleartextKeysetHandle;
import com.google.crypto.tink.JsonKeysetReader;
import com.google.crypto.tink.KeysetHandle;
import com.google.crypto.tink.aead.AeadFactory;
public class TinkPbe {
public static String encrypt(char[] passwordChar, String plaintextString)
throws GeneralSecurityException, IOException {
byte[] keyByte = pbkdf2(passwordChar);
String valueString = buildValue(keyByte);
String jsonKeyString = writeJson(valueString);
KeysetHandle keysetHandleOwn = CleartextKeysetHandle.read(JsonKeysetReader.withString(jsonKeyString));
// initialisierung
Aead aead = AeadFactory.getPrimitive(keysetHandleOwn);
// verschlüsselung
byte[] ciphertextByte = aead.encrypt(plaintextString.getBytes("utf-8"), null); // no aad-data
return Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(ciphertextByte);
public static String decrypt(char[] passwordChar, String ciphertextString)
throws GeneralSecurityException, IOException {
byte[] keyByte = pbkdf2(passwordChar);
String valueString = buildValue(keyByte);
String jsonKeyString = writeJson(valueString);
KeysetHandle keysetHandleOwn = CleartextKeysetHandle.read(JsonKeysetReader.withString(jsonKeyString));
// initialisierung
Aead aead = AeadFactory.getPrimitive(keysetHandleOwn);
// verschlüsselung
byte[] plaintextByte = aead.decrypt(Base64.getDecoder().decode(ciphertextString), null); // no aad-data
return new String(plaintextByte, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
private static byte[] pbkdf2(char[] passwordChar)
throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeySpecException, UnsupportedEncodingException {
final byte[] passwordSaltByte = "11223344556677881122334455667788".getBytes("UTF-8");
final int PBKDF2_ITERATIONS = 10000; // anzahl der iterationen, höher = besser = langsamer
final int SALT_SIZE_BYTE = 256; // grösse des salts, sollte so groß wie der hash sein
final int HASH_SIZE_BYTE = 256; // größe das hashes bzw. gehashten passwortes, 128 byte = 512 bit
byte[] passwordHashByte = new byte[HASH_SIZE_BYTE]; // das array nimmt das gehashte passwort auf
PBEKeySpec spec = new PBEKeySpec(passwordChar, passwordSaltByte, PBKDF2_ITERATIONS, HASH_SIZE_BYTE);
SecretKeyFactory skf = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance("PBKDF2WithHmacSHA512");
passwordHashByte = skf.generateSecret(spec).getEncoded();
return passwordHashByte;
private static String buildValue(byte[] gcmKeyByte) {
// test for correct key length
if ((gcmKeyByte.length != 16) && (gcmKeyByte.length != 32)) {
throw new NumberFormatException("key is not 16 or 32 bytes long");
// header byte depends on keylength
byte[] headerByte = new byte[2]; // {26, 16 }; // 1A 10 for 128 bit, 1A 20 for 256 Bit
if (gcmKeyByte.length == 16) {
headerByte = new byte[] { 26, 16 };
} else {
headerByte = new byte[] { 26, 32 };
byte[] keyByte = new byte[headerByte.length + gcmKeyByte.length];
System.arraycopy(headerByte, 0, keyByte, 0, headerByte.length);
System.arraycopy(gcmKeyByte, 0, keyByte, headerByte.length, gcmKeyByte.length);
String keyBase64 = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(keyByte);
return keyBase64;
private static String writeJson(String value) {
int keyId = 1234567; // fix
String str = "{\n";
str = str + " \"primaryKeyId\": " + keyId + ",\n";
str = str + " \"key\": [{\n";
str = str + " \"keyData\": {\n";
str = str + " \"typeUrl\": \"type.googleapis.com/google.crypto.tink.AesGcmKey\",\n";
str = str + " \"keyMaterialType\": \"SYMMETRIC\",\n";
str = str + " \"value\": \"" + value + "\"\n";
str = str + " },\n";
str = str + " \"outputPrefixType\": \"TINK\",\n";
str = str + " \"keyId\": " + keyId + ",\n";
str = str + " \"status\": \"ENABLED\"\n";
str = str + " }]\n";
str = str + "}";
return str;
我的网站上有更详细的描述:http: //javacrypto.bplaced.net/h-tink-string-encryption-using-pbe-and-gui/