我是 Joomla 1.6 的新手。我在尝试安装“ Freestyle Testimonials”(文件名 - “ freestyle_testimonials_lite-1.6.0(1).zip”)时遇到问题,这是 Joomla 1.6 的推荐组件,因为出现“ Component Install: Another component is already using directory: /home/faster/public_html/webmaster/components/com_fst”的错误消息。我无法安装组件。

然后我尝试安装另一个模块用于推荐“ AutarTimonial”(文件名 - “ mod_autartimonial1.6.zip”)。它已安装并可在模块管理器下查看,但我无法将其放入管理区域中我想要的位置(例如推荐菜单)。





2 回答 2



JE Testimonial joomla 组件是一个更有用的实用程序,适用于您的 Joomla 支持的站点,它将为您提供管理和管理推荐的工具。JE Testimonial 是我们扩展大脑搜索中 Joomla 用户期待已久的组件。它为在基于 Joomla 的网站中使用推荐提供了深入的灵活性。

下载链接: http: //www.jextn.com/joomla-testimonial-component

演示链接: http: //www.jetestimonial.jextn.com/

JE Testimonial - 2.0.0(1.6 Native) 发布,带有默认 ACL 功能。JE 见证的特点 – 1.2


* The admin can limit text length in module.
* Read more link. The admin can enable/disable this “read more” link.
* Ordering of Testimonial Display. a. Ascending & Descending based on Ordering b. Order by ID both ascending & descending. c. Order By name both ascending & descending


* JE Testimonial - 1.2 have three more display order settings. The admin can change these settings from the component back end.
      o The most recent first or the most recent last testimonial using ordering.
      o Order by ID both ascending & descending.
      o Order By name both ascending & descending.


* Users can view the different type of template design depending upon the selections from the back end.
* Supports avatars/photos.
* Supports to add unlimited testimonial from the back end and front end.
* Visitors can add testimonial in the front-end with a simple form. Also admin can manage these details from the back-end.
* Show the authors name, url, location. But all are depending upon the settings from the back end.
* Front end testimonial form has captcha prevent spam.
* Admin can receive email notifications, when testimonials are added by the users in the front end.
* Display testimonials in the component and one of the associated modules.


* Admin can Add/View/publish/edit/delete testimonials from the jetestimonial administrator panel.
* Jetestimonial component supports to translate all the major languages through the joomfish component.
* Choose whether to auto-publish new testimonial submissions.
* Choose whether the testimonials will be added by registered users.
* Choose the different themes from the backend and also can see the theme preview.
* Choose to display Number of testimonials per page.
* Choose whether you want captcha in the front end testimonal form.
* Manage the size of the avatar image.

JE Testimonial 1.1 中的新功能:

* Removed the add ons in the front end editor and made it look better.
* The page title(form header) is now user friendly, so he can change to the name he likes.
* Implemented the parameters in the "Global Settings" for the User Form settings, to hide/show the city, country, email, company name and website fields.
* Implemented the support to sh404 component for user friendly url.
* Implemented a new plugin(content replacer plugin) for testimonial to display in the articles. You can replace the testimonials in the content area using {testimonial}
* Implemented the parameter in the "Global settings" for shadowbox effect, whether the external site links are opened in the shadow box or not.

JE 推荐模块特点:

* JE Testimonial module has 4 slide effects with only one simple design.
* Settings for adjusting the modules with 4 slide effects.
* Admin can manage the specifications of this module.
于 2011-04-01T07:40:44.507 回答

首先,为了解决 Freestyle Testimonials 的问题,您需要删除服务器上的 com_fst 文件夹。听起来第一次安装失败,但设法使导致第二次安装尝试失败的文件夹。

接下来,AutarTimonial 是一个模块,而不是一个组件。模块被设计为放置在主要内容区域以外的位置,因此不会有模块的菜单项。AutarTimonial 确实有一个可能与模块一起使用的组件,你应该安装它,它应该有你需要的菜单项。

您还可以查看这些其他选项:http ://extensions.joomla.org/extensions/advanced-search-results/307991

于 2011-04-01T00:47:29.170 回答