我使用 Jaxb 从 xsd 生成一个 Jar 文件:
CustomObject inputRequest = xmlMapper.readValue(input, CustomObject.class);
com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonMappingException:表示属性“PS”的多个字段:OrderLineType#pS vs OrderLineType#pSV5 at [Source: (StringReader); 行:1,列:1]
@XmlElement(name = "PS", namespace = "financetypes:defn:v4")
protected financetypes.v4.PSType pS;
@XmlElement(name = "PS", namespace = "financetypes:defn:v5")
protected financetypes.v5.PSType pSV5;
xmlmapper 是否能够处理具有相同名称和不同命名空间的 XmlElement?
我正在从 jenkin 构建 jar 文件。有没有可以用来解决这个问题的插件?
这是我的 xsd v4.xsd
<!--Begin Definition: Complex Type: PriceStructureType-->
<xs:complexType name="PriceStructureType">
<xs:element name="PriceModel" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
Will be required in future...
TODO: Add valid items...
<xs:element ref="finance:SourceSystemPrice" minOccurs="0">
Will be required in future...
<xs:element name="ComponentPrice" type="finance:ComponentListType" minOccurs="0">
Will be required in future...
<xs:element name="PriceStructure" type="finance:PriceStructureType"/>
<!--End Definition: Complex Type: PriceStructureType-->
<!--Begin Definition: Complex Type: PriceStructureType-->
<xs:complexType name="PriceStructureType">
<xs:element name="PriceModel" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
Will be required in future...
TODO: Add valid items...
<xs:element ref="finance:SourceSystemPrice" minOccurs="0">
Will be required in future...
<xs:element name="ComponentPrice" type="finance:ComponentListType" minOccurs="0">
Will be required in future...
<xs:element name="PriceStructure" type="finance:PriceStructureType"/>
<!--End Definition: Complex Type: PriceStructureType-->
<xs:import namespace="urn:financetypes:defn:v4" schemaLocation="financetypes.v4.xsd"/>
<xs:import namespace="urn:financetypes:defn:v5" schemaLocation="financetypes.v5.xsd"/>
<xs:element ref="finance:PriceStructure" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation xml:lang="en">
Price Structure itemizes the price components of this OrderLine. Pricing
is a integral part of the Sales Order record.
This should be a required element for a sales order, but it is marked
as optional for backward compatibility.
<xs:element ref="finance_v5:PriceStructure" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation xml:lang="en">
Price Structure itemizes the price components of this OrderLine. Pricing
is a integral part of the Sales Order record.
This should be a required element for a sales order, but it is marked
as optional for backward compatibility.
<jaxb:property name="PriceStructureV5"/>