我制作了简单的 Flask 扩展,其中包含适用于 Python 的 Google API 客户端:
class ProximityBeaconAPI:
Simple Flask extension for accessing Google Proxmity Beacon API.
def __init__(self, app=None, credentials=None):
if app:
if credentials:
def init_app(self, app):
Initialize Flask app for extension
self.app = app
self._project_id = app.config.PROJECT_ID
def is_initialized(self):
Checks if Proximity Beacon API is initialized.
:return: bool
ctx = _app_ctx_stack.top
return hasattr(ctx, 'proximitybeaconapi')
def init_api(self, credentials):
''' Initialize Proximity Beacon API
:param credentials: google.oauth2.credentials.Credentials object
proximitybeaconapi = discovery.build(
OAUTH2.API_NAME, OAUTH2.API_VERSION, credentials=credentials)
ctx = _app_ctx_stack.top
if ctx is not None:
if not hasattr(ctx, 'proximitybeaconapi'):
ctx.proximitybeaconapi = proximitybeaconapi
def get_utoken(self):
''' Checks if for beacon with given name u_token attachment
is set.
:param beacon_name: name of the beacon
:param namespace: namespace
beacon_name = self.get_default_auth_beacon_name()
ctx = _app_ctx_stack.top
namespace = self.get_default_project_namespace().split('/')[1]
namespaced_type = '{}/u_token'.format(namespace)
query = {
'beaconName': beacon_name,
'namespacedType': namespaced_type
resp = ctx.proximitybeaconapi.beacons().attachments().list(**query).execute()
b64_data = resp['attachments'][0]['data']
return self._base64_to_str(b64_data)
def is_utoken_valid(self, u_token):
''' Checks if recieved token is valid with current
u_token attachment.
:param u_token: incomming u_token
:return: True or False
incomming_token = self._base64_to_str(u_token)
current_token = self.get_utoken()
return incomming_token == current_token
在我的 oauth2 回调视图中,我通过调用init_api
基于凭据创建 API 客户端实例的方法来初始化 Google API:
def init_api(self, credentials):
''' Initialize Proximity Beacon API
:param credentials: google.oauth2.credentials.Credentials object
proximitybeaconapi = discovery.build(
OAUTH2.API_NAME, OAUTH2.API_VERSION, credentials=credentials)
ctx = _app_ctx_stack.top
if ctx is not None:
if not hasattr(ctx, 'proximitybeaconapi'):
ctx.proximitybeaconapi = proximitybeaconapi
def post(self):
data = api.payload
u_token = data.pop('u_token')
token = beaconapi.get_utoken()
# other code ...
def get_utoken(self):
''' Checks if for beacon with given name u_token attachment
is set.
:param beacon_name: name of the beacon
:param namespace: namespace
beacon_name = self.get_default_auth_beacon_name()
ctx = _app_ctx_stack.top # getting client from application context
# ...
response = ctx.proximitybeaconapi.beacons().attachments().list(**query)
return response
但是我得到AttributeError: 'AppContext' object has no attribute 'proximitybeaconapi'
File "/home/devaerial/Source/automoticz-server/automoticz/utils/beacons.py", line 61, in get_default_auth_beacon_name
response = ctx.proximitybeaconapi.beacons().list(q=query).execute()
AttributeError: 'AppContext' object has no attribute 'proximitybeaconapi'
PS:我从官方 Flask 文档中遵循这个例子。