我将此存储过程传递到 ssrs 以生成报告,但在将数据类型 nvarchar 转换为 int 时不断出错,而我什至没有任何 nvarchar 类型的参数。
Alter proc dbo.spPullOrderRosa1
@Subentity int,
@BegShipDate date,
@EndShipDate date,
@Store varchar(150),
@State varchar(150)
select OpOrID as OrID, OpID, concat(OrCuFirstName,' ',OrCuLastName) as CustomerName,
b.SoName as StoreName,OpPrSKU as SKU, OpQty,StLongName as StateName,
cast(OpShipDate as date) as ShipDate,
cast(d.DeliveryDate as date) as DeliveryDate,
e.StyName as SubEntity
from csn_order..tblOrderProduct a with (nolock)
left join csn_order..tblOrder f with (nolock) on a.OpOrID = f.OrID
left join csn_order..tblStore b with (nolock) on a.OpSoID = b.SoID
left join csn_order..tblplState c with (nolock) on f.OrCuStID = c.StID
left join csn_order..tblDeliveryDate d with (nolock) on a.OpID = d.DeliveryOpID
left join csn_order.dbo.tblSubEntity e with (nolock) on b.SoStyID = e.StyID
where (OpCancelled = 0) and (b.SoID in (select SoID from csn_order..tblStore where SoName in (select * from STRING_SPLIT(@Store, ',')) ))
and (StID in (select StID from csn_order..tblplState where StLongName in (select * from STRING_SPLIT(@State, ',')) ))
and (StyID = @Subentity) and (OpShipDate >= @BegShipDate and OpShipDate <= @EndShipDate)