token, err := googleOauthConfig.Exchange(context.Background(), code)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "Err: %+v", err)
fprintf 的输出是:
Err: oauth2: cannot fetch token: 401 Unauthorized
Response: {"error":"code_already_used","error_description":"code_already_used"}
我查看了 oauth2 代码,它比我高一点。
// retrieveToken takes a *Config and uses that to retrieve an *internal.Token.
// This token is then mapped from *internal.Token into an *oauth2.Token which is returned along
// with an error..
func retrieveToken(ctx context.Context, c *Config, v url.Values) (*Token, error) {
tk, err := internal.RetrieveToken(ctx, c.ClientID, c.ClientSecret, c.Endpoint.TokenURL, v)
if err != nil {
if rErr, ok := err.(*internal.RetrieveError); ok {
return nil, (*RetrieveError)(rErr)
return nil, err
return tokenFromInternal(tk), nil
怎么猜我想看到 (*RetrieveError) 部分。正确的?