我想知道是否可以创建一个 CAPL 代码,通过使用“on key”功能,用户可以: - 激活重播模式(.asc 文件) - 在其上激活过滤器 - 额外激活特定信号(不存在于 asc 文件中) - 停用重播模式 - 停用特定信号 - 激活或停用替代特定消息和/或跟踪
variables // declaration of the specific messages I need
message MESSAGE01 msg_MESSAGE01 ;
message MESSAGE02 msg_MESSAGE02 ;
on key 't' // here I'd need the activation of a replay block in .asc format with a filter on a specific message
// Really don't know how to insert here
on key 'd' // here I'd need the deactivation of a replay block in .asc format
// Really don't know how to insert here
on key 'p' // specific signals deactivation
msg_MESSAGE01.SIGNAL01= 0; // assign the value to the message
msg_MESSAGE02.SIGNAL02 = 1; // assign the value to the message
output(msg_MESSAGE01); //send the message to the CAN bus
output(msg_MESSAGE02); //send the message to the CAN bus
// output(output of the asc file); // if activated, I'd like to see in output all the messages of the .asc; if not, I'd like to see just those specific signals.
on key 'u' // specific signals deactivation
// msg_MESSAGE01.SIGNAL01 = none; // here, I'd like to "unset" the value
msg_MESSAGE02.SIGNAL02= 0;
output (msg_MESSAGE02);
// output(output of the asc file); // if activated, I'd like to see in output all the messages of the .asc; if not, I'd like to see just those specific signals.