I have a bunch of documents included in my SOLR index. These documents contain a field that contains JSON data.

When I perform a query with a keyword I want that JSON field to be also searched. Right now it is not working.



There is actual documents that contains a JSON field with the data 'keyword_to_search'.

"field_name":"{\"field_key\": \"keyword_to_search\"}",

The field seems to be searchable as I can return the document when querying:

      "q":"{!term f=field_name}keyword_to_search",
    "field_name":"{\"field_key\": \"keyword_to_search\"}",

How can modify my query to include this?

JSON Structure:

  "field_name": "field_value",
  "columns": [
        "nested_key": "nested_value_1"
        "nested_key": "nested_value_1"

1 回答 1


qf=title^300告诉 Solr 它应该搜索哪些字段以及赋予每个字段的权重。

qf=title^300 json将同时搜索titlefield 和jsonfield,并且title与 hit it 相比,hit 的得分增加了 300 倍json

于 2019-03-05T07:36:21.953 回答