我有一个 Thorntail v2.3.0 微服务,它包含一个从 WSDL 生成的 CXF 客户端。我有两种使用 Maven 3.5.3 从命令行启动服务的方法:

mvn clean install thorntail:run

或者直接使用 JVM 1.8.0:

mvn clean install
java -jar target/myservice-thorntail.jar

我希望该过程使用这两种方法以相同的方式执行。但是,使用第一种方法,调用我的 CXF 客户端时出现以下错误。通过Java命令执行时不会发生错误。

WARN  [org.apache.cxf.ws.security.policy.WSSecurityPolicyLoader] (Thread-79) Could not load 
    or register WS-SecurityPolicy related classes. Please check that (the correct version of) 
    Apache WSS4J is on the classpath: null
WARN  [org.apache.cxf.ws.security.policy.WSSecurityPolicyLoader] (Thread-79) Could not load 
    or register WS-SecurityPolicy related classes. Please check that (the correct version of) 
    Apache WSS4J is on the classpath: Could not initialize class org.apache.wss4j.stax.setup.WSSec
WARN  [org.apache.cxf.ws.policy.AssertionBuilderRegistryImpl] (Thread-79) No assertion builder for type 
    {http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/07/securitypolicy}HttpToken registered.
ERROR [stderr] (Thread-79) Exception in thread "Thread-79" javax.xml.ws.soap.SOAPFaultException: 
    None of the policy alternatives can be satisfied.

我已尝试按照警告中的建议将依赖项添加到 WSS4J,但没有效果。我的 POM 包含这些依赖项:
















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