我正在构建一个反应原生应用程序,用户应该能够在饼图周围移动调整器以调整饼图的开始和结束角度。我正在使用 3 个 panResponder 并使用 /users/681830/val 的想法:


我正在计算到 36 个快照中的任何一个的最短距离,然后将动画值设置为该点,但它的效率非常低且滞后。任何人都可以提出更好的解决方案吗?


this._panResponder1 = PanResponder.create(
    onStartShouldSetPanResponder: (evt, gesture) =>true,
    onPanResponderMove: (evt, gesture) => {

      //we need the distance between the points and get the index of the minimum distance
      distances = [];
      for(var i = 0; i < 36; i++){
        var a = this.outputRangeX[i] - gesture.moveX;
        var b = this.outputRangeY[i] - gesture.moveY + 120;
        distances.push(Math.sqrt(a*a + b*b));

      var minInd = distances.indexOf(Math.min(...distances));
      this.setState({indexOfAdj1 : minInd});
      this.adj1Anim.setValue((1/36)* minInd);

      var isPos1 = minInd/36;
      var isPos2 = (minInd)/36;
        isPos1 = -1 * ((36-minInd)/36);
        isPos2 = minInd/36;
        this.setState({data: [
            number: 1,
            startAngle: isPos1* Math.PI * 2,
            endAngle: this.state.data[0].endAngle,
            number: 30,
            startAngle: this.state.data[1].startAngle,
            endAngle: this.state.data[1].endAngle,
            number: 1,
            startAngle: this.state.data[1].endAngle,
            endAngle: isPos2* Math.PI * 2,
        this.setState({data: [
            number: 1,
            startAngle: isPos1* Math.PI * 2,
            endAngle: this.state.data[0].endAngle,
            number: 30,
            startAngle: this.state.data[1].startAngle,
            endAngle: this.state.data[1].endAngle,
            number: 1,
            startAngle: -((Math.PI * 2)-this.state.data[1].endAngle),
            endAngle: isPos2* Math.PI * 2,




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