我用 AppleScript 制作了一个名为 FRIDAY 的应用程序。当我告诉它“打开 chrome”时,它会打开 google chrome,这是在脚本编辑器和脚本编辑器之外工作的。我还可以告诉它“打开一个新选项卡”,它使用击键打开一个新选项卡:

-- this boolean is the reason this script keeps runing
set condition to false
say "Welcome sir"
set commands to {"what is todays date", "what time is it", "what is the time", "what day is it", "what month is it", "which month is it", "friday you up", "friday", "friday you tere", "you there", "empty the trash", "take out the trash", "clean up", "new tab", "next tab", "back", "take a nap", "go to sleep", "take a rest", "wake up", "copy the link", "paste the link", "give me list of running apps", "open a folder", "open chrome", "open youtube", "open atom", "quit atom", "goodbye FRIDAY_AI", "okay thanks", "okay thank you", "thanks", "thank you", "good night", "good morning", "morning", "night", "hey friday"}
repeat until condition is true
        tell application "SpeechRecognitionServer"
            set FRIDAY_AI to listen continuously for commands with identifier "mine" with section title "FRIDAY's Commands"
        end tell

    -- full date
    set todays_date to date string of (current date)
    -- day
    set todays_day to weekday of (current date) as string
    -- time
    set t to time string of (current date)
    -- month
    set m to month of (current date) as string

    -- time and day
    if FRIDAY_AI = "what is todays date" then
        say todays_date
    end if
    if FRIDAY_AI = "what time is it" then
        say t
    end if
    if FRIDAY_AI = "what is the time" then
        say t
    end if
    if FRIDAY_AI = "what day is it" then
        say todays_day
    end if
    if FRIDAY_AI = "what month is it" then
        say m
    end if
    if FRIDAY_AI = "which month is it" then
        say m
    end if
    -- end of time and day

    -- Clear trash --
    if FRIDAY_AI = "empty the trash" then
        tell application "Finder"
            empty the trash
        end tell
    end if

    -- FRIDAY --
    if FRIDAY_AI = "friday" then
        say "yes"
    end if

    if FRIDAY_AI = "friday you up" then
        say "for you sir, alllways"
    end if

    if FRIDAY_AI = "friday you there" then
        say "yes"
    end if

    if FRIDAY_AI = "you there" then
        say "yes"
    end if

    if FRIDAY_AI = "hey friday" then
        say "hey sir, waht can I do for you"
    end if
    -- END OF FRIDAY --

    if FRIDAY_AI = "take out the trash" then
        tell application "Finder"
            empty the trash
        end tell
    end if
    -- end of clear trash --

    if FRIDAY_AI = "clean up" then
        say "cleaning up"
        delay 2
        say "goodbye sir"
        tell application "System Events" to set the visible of every process to true

        set white_list to {"Finder"}

            tell application "Finder"
                set process_list to the name of every process whose visible is true
            end tell
            repeat with i from 1 to (number of items in process_list)
                set this_process to item i of the process_list
                if this_process is not in white_list then
                    tell application this_process
                    end tell
                end if
            end repeat
        on error
            tell the current application to display dialog "An error has occurred!" & return & "This script will now quit" buttons {"Quit"} default button 1 with icon 0
        end try
    end if

    if FRIDAY_AI = "new tab" then
        tell application "System Events"
            key code 17 using {command down}
        end tell
    end if
    --next tab --
    if FRIDAY_AI = "next tab" then
        tell application "System Events"
            key code 48 using {control down}
        end tell
    end if
    -- priveus tab --
    if FRIDAY_AI = "back" then
        tell application "System Events"
            key code 48 using {shift down, control down}
        end tell
    end if

    -- launches screen saver  
    if FRIDAY_AI = "take a nap" then
            tell application id "com.apple.ScreenSaver.Engine" to launch
        end try
    end if
    if FRIDAY_AI = "go to sleep" then
            tell application id "com.apple.ScreenSaver.Engine" to launch
        end try
    end if
    if FRIDAY_AI = "take a rest" then
            tell application id "com.apple.ScreenSaver.Engine" to launch
        end try
    end if

    if FRIDAY_AI = "wake up" then
        tell application "System Events"
            key code 49
        end tell
    end if

    if FRIDAY_AI = "give me list of running apps" then
        tell application "System Events"
            key code 53 using {command down, option down}
        end tell
    end if

    -- copy url --
    if FRIDAY_AI = "copy the link" then
        tell application "System Events"
            key code 37 using {command down}
            delay 0.5
            key code 8 using {command down}
        end tell
    end if

    -- paste url --
    if FRIDAY_AI = "paste the link" then
        tell application "System Events"
            key code 37 using {command down}
            delay 0.5
            key code 9 using {command down}
            keystroke return
        end tell
    end if

    if FRIDAY_AI = "open a folder" then
        log FRIDAY_AI
        tell application "Finder"
            make new Finder window
            set target of front window to home
        end tell
    end if

    if FRIDAY_AI = "open chrome" then
        tell application "Google Chrome"
            log FRIDAY_AI
            say "Opening Google Chrome sir"
        end tell
    end if

    (* if FRIDAY_AI = "open atom" then
    tell application "Atom"
        log FRIDAY_AI
        say "opening Atom"
    end tell
end if 

if FRIDAY_AI = "quit atom" then
    log FRIDAY_AI
    tell application "Atom" to quit
end if *)

    if FRIDAY_AI = "goodbye FRIDAY_AI" then
        log FRIDAY_AI
        say "goodbye sir"
        -- quit = exist the program completely--
        -- Stop the script- -
        exit repeat
    end if

    if FRIDAY_AI = "open youtube" then
        log FRIDAY_AI
        tell application "Google Chrome"
            open location "https://www.youtube.com/"
        end tell
    end if

    if FRIDAY_AI = "thanks" then
        log FRIDAY_AI
        say "I am glad, I could be of help sir"
    end if

    if FRIDAY_AI = "okay thanks" then
        log FRIDAY_AI
        say "I am glad, I could be of help sir"
    end if

    if FRIDAY_AI = "thank you" then
        log FRIDAY_AI
        say "You're welcome sir"
    end if

    if FRIDAY_AI = "okay thank you" then
        log FRIDAY_AI
        say "You're welcome sir"
    end if

    if FRIDAY_AI = "good night" then
        log FRIDAY_AI
        say "Good night sir"
    end if

    if FRIDAY_AI = "night" then
        log FRIDAY_AI
        say "Good night sir"
    end if

    if FRIDAY_AI = "good morning" then
        log FRIDAY_AI
        say "Good morning sir"
    end if

    if FRIDAY_AI = "morning" then
        log FRIDAY_AI
        say "morning sir"
    end if

    -- if an error occurs, it goes back and keep repeating
    on error
        set condition to false
    end try

end repeat

现在,上面的代码仅在我在脚本编辑器上运行 FRIDAY 时有效,但当我将 FRIDAY 保存为应用程序并运行它时它不起作用。

脚本编辑器和我的应用程序(星期五)具有可访问性,实际上 FRIDAY 具有完整的磁盘可访问性。但它仍然无法发送击键。


系统事件出现错误:FRIDAY 不允许发送击键。

可访问性: 在此处输入图像描述 全盘访问: 在此处输入图像描述 自动化: 在此处输入图像描述



3 回答 3


更新到 macOS 10.15 Catalina 时,我遇到了类似的问题。我去了系统偏好设置->安全和隐私->可访问性,在这里我删除了我的应用程序,然后再次添加它。在此之后,一切正常。

于 2019-10-15T19:07:07.600 回答

我还发现,虽然它被要求允许您的脚本访问系统事件,但如果您的脚本名称中有空格,它不会添加到安全和隐私中。在我用下划线替换空格之前,我一直在努力解决这个问题。然后它被添加到这里并且工作正常。 我的脚本带​​有下划线而不是空格:

于 2019-11-25T17:07:03.410 回答

您可以在可访问性设置中启用鼠标键并使用击键 87。这就是我的自动点击器的工作方式。

于 2021-02-04T15:23:20.143 回答