我目前正在开发一个包,假设它被称为 myPack。我有一个名为 myFunc1 的函数和另一个名为 myFunc2 的函数,它看起来像这样:
myFunc2 <- function(x, parallel = FALSE) {
if(parallel) future::plan(future::multiprocess)
values <- furrr::future_map(x, myFunc1)
现在,如果我在不并行时调用 myFunc2,它会起作用。但是,如果我用 parallel = TRUE 调用它,我会收到以下错误:
Error: Unexpected result (of class ‘snow-try-error’ != ‘FutureResult’)
retrieved for MultisessionFuture future (label = ‘<none>’, expression =
‘{; do.call(function(...) {; ...future.f.env <- environment(...future.f);
if (!is.null(...future.f.env$`~`)) {; if
(is_bad_rlang_tilde(...future.f.env$`~`)) {; ...future.f.env$`~` <-
base::`~`; ...; }); }, args = future.call.arguments); }’): there is no
package called 'myPack'. This suggests that the communication with
MultisessionFuture worker (‘SOCKnode’ #1) is out of sync.
有谁知道为什么 myFunc2 在顺序模式下工作,而不是并行工作,以及如何阻止此错误出现?
linear_model_1 <- lm(mpg ~ cyl + disp + hp, data = mtcars)
linear_model_2 <- lm(mpg ~ cyl + poly(disp, 2), data = mtcars)
x <- list(linear_model_1, linear_model_2)
myFunc1 <- function(model, seed, size) {
`%>%` <- purrr::`%>%`
draws <- rep(size, 10) %>%
furrr::future_map(sample, x = fitted(model), replace = TRUE)