我对 Autofac 和 Nlog 还很陌生,我需要一些帮助来了解我的 Autofac LoggingModule for Nlog 中发生了什么。由于遵循injecting-nlog-with-autofacs-registergeneric ,它按预期工作。但不仅仅是复制粘贴,我想确保我了解每种方法中发生的情况(Load & AttachToComponentRegistration)。如果您可以查看我的想法并进一步澄清我的任何错误(我很确定),我将不胜感激。先感谢您!

  • 使用 Nlog 的数据库目标
  • 使用 Autofac 进行依赖注入
  • 用于学习的 ASP.NET MVC Web 应用程序
  • Dvd 库应用程序(DvdAdd、DvdEdit、DvdDelete、DvdList)


public class LoggingModule : Module

    protected override void Load(ContainerBuilder builder)
            .Register((c, p) => new LogService(p.TypedAs<Type>()))

    protected override void AttachToComponentRegistration(IComponentRegistry componentRegistry, IComponentRegistration registration)
        registration.Preparing +=
            (sender, args) =>
                var forType = args.Component.Activator.LimitType;

                var logParameter = new ResolvedParameter(
                    (p, c) => p.ParameterType == typeof(ILog),
                    (p, c) => c.Resolve<ILog>(TypedParameter.From(forType)));

                args.Parameters = args.Parameters.Union(new[] { logParameter });



c - 提供给表达式的参数c是在其中创建组件的组件上下文(一个 IComponentContext 对象)。可以访问服务或解析组件依赖关系的上下文。

p - 带有传入参数集的 IEnumerable

AsImplementedInterfaces - Autofac 允许其用户显式或隐式注册类型。虽然“ As ”用于显式注册,但“ AsImplementedInterfaces ”和“ AsSelf ”用于隐式注册。换句话说,容器会根据它实现的所有接口自动注册实现。

思考: Load方法代码注册一个新的LogService类(代表“ c ”),logger的类型(代表“ p ”)作为LogService类的构造函数参数


  • 我上面的想法正确吗?
  • 它应该是 SingleInstance 还是应该/它只会在调用类范围内存在?(我正在考虑我的工作单元)


AttachToComponentRegistration方法 - 重写以将特定于模块的功能附加到组件注册。


  • IComponentRegistry componentRegistry - 根据它们提供的服务提供组件注册。
  • IComponentRegistration注册- 描述容器内的逻辑组件。

registration.Preparing - 需要新实例时触发。通过在提供的事件参数中设置 Instance 属性,可以提供该实例以跳过常规激活器。

var forType = args.Component.Activator.LimitType;

args = Autofac.Core.PreparingEventArgs - 在激活过程之前触发以允许更改参数或提供替代实例。

Component = PreparingEventArgs.Component 属性- 获取提供被激活实例的组件

Activator = IComponentRegistration.Activator 属性 - 获取用于创建实例的激活器。

LimitType = IInstanceActivator.LimitType 属性 - 获取组件实例已知可转换为的最具体类型。

思考- 据我了解forType,这个变量保存调用类的NameFullName从哪里调用日志服务?

forType 调试器图像


  • 我的想法forType正确吗?

var logParameter = new ResolvedParameter(
                    (p, c) => p.ParameterType == typeof(ILog),
                    (p, c) => c.Resolve<ILog>(TypedParameter.From(forType)));

ResolvedParameter - 可用作提供从容器中动态检索的值的一种方式,例如通过名称解析服务。

思考logParameter- 这是我开始迷路的地方。也是如此,它检查参数是否为 ILog 类型,如果是,它将使用构造函数参数解析它并传入forType变量?


  • 我对logParameter上面的想法正确吗?

args.Parameters = args.Parameters.Union(new[] { logParameter });

args.Parameters = PreparingEventArgs.Parameters属性 - 获取或设置提供给激活器的参数。

args.Parameters.Union = 使用默认相等比较器生成两个序列的集合并集。返回一个System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1,其中包含来自两个输入序列的元素,不包括重复项。



  • 你能帮我谈谈发生了什么args.Parameters吗?

logParameter 调试器图像 Nlog 数据库表图像


public class LogService : ILog
    private readonly ILogger _log;

    public LogService(Type type)
        _log = LogManager.GetLogger(type.FullName);

    public void Debug(string message, params object[] args)
        Log(LogLevel.Debug, message, args);

    public void Info(string message, params object[] args)
        Log(LogLevel.Info, message, args);

    public void Warn(string message, params object[] args)
        Log(LogLevel.Warn, message, args);

    public void Error(string message, params object[] args)
        Log(LogLevel.Error, message, args);

    public void Error(Exception ex)
        Log(LogLevel.Error, null, null, ex);

    public void Error(Exception ex, string message, params object[] args)
        Log(LogLevel.Error, message, args, ex);

    public void Fatal(Exception ex, string message, params object[] args)
        Log(LogLevel.Fatal, message, args, ex);

    private void Log(LogLevel level, string message, object[] args)
        _log.Log(typeof(LogService), new LogEventInfo(level, _log.Name, null, message, args));

    private void Log(LogLevel level, string message, object[] args, Exception ex)
        _log.Log(typeof(LogService), new LogEventInfo(level, _log.Name, null, message, args, ex));



public interface ILog
    void Debug(string message, params object[] args);
    void Info(string message, params object[] args);
    void Warn(string message, params object[] args);

    void Error(string message, params object[] args);
    void Error(Exception ex);

    void Error(Exception ex, string message, params object[] args);

    void Fatal(Exception ex, string message, params object[] args);

1 回答 1


这里有很多东西要解开。您并没有真正要求对特定问题的答案,而是代码演练和对现有解决方案的解释,因此如果您需要比我提供的更多的东西,我可能会建议您发布到StackExchange Code Review你在这里。不是想无益,而是,如果你的问题是,“我的想法对吗?” 答案是“有点”,每个单独的点都有很多讨论来解释为什么“有点”是答案(或“否”或“是”,视情况而定)。它可以变成一个冗长的答案,然后是需要澄清的额外问题,这需要额外的答案......而 StackOverflow 不是

[即,我可能会花一个小时在这里写一个答案......但我不能保证我真的会回来跟进任何事情,因为还有其他问题要回答以及我需要分配的其他事情时间到。StackOverflow 更多的是关于“我如何......?” 或其他具有单一、合理具体答案的事物。]

首先,我建议在一些断点上使用调试器深入了解自己,以实际了解发生了什么。例如,您询问LimitType某个区域有什么——您可以很容易地回答那个问题,只需在该行上放置一个断点并查看该值。这将是一个很好的方式来跟进自己的额外澄清 - 胜利的断点。

其次,我建议花一些时间阅读 Autofac 文档有很多文档可以回答问题。


// General module documentation is here:
// https://autofac.readthedocs.io/en/latest/configuration/modules.html
public class LoggingModule : Module
  // Load basically registers types with the container just like
  // if you were doing it yourself on the ContainerBuilder. It's
  // just a nice way of packaging up a set of registrations so
  // they're not all in your program's "Main" method or whatever.
  protected override void Load(ContainerBuilder builder)
    // This is a lambda registration. Docs here:
    // https://autofac.readthedocs.io/en/latest/register/registration.html#lambda-expression-components
    // This one uses both the component context (c) and the incoming
    // set of parameters (p). In this lambda, the parameters are NOT the set of constructor
    // parameters that Autofac has resolved - they're ONLY things that
    // were MANUALLY specified. In this case, it's assuming a TypedParameter
    // with a System.Type value is being provided manually. It's not going
    // to try resolving that value from the container. This is going hand-in-hand
    // with the logParameter you see in AttachToComponentRegistration.
    // Parameter docs are here:
    // https://autofac.readthedocs.io/en/latest/resolve/parameters.html
    // In general if you resolve something that has both manually specified parameters
    // and things that can be resolved by Autofac, the manually specified parameters
    // will take precedence. However, in this lambda it's very specifically looking
    // for a manually specified parameter.
    // You'll want to keep this as a default InstancePerDependency because you probably
    // want this to live as long as the thing using it and no longer. Likely
    // NLog already has object pooling and caching built in so this isn't as
    // expensive as you think, but I'm no NLog expert. log4net does handle
    // that for you.
      .Register((c, p) => new LogService(p.TypedAs<Type>()))

  // This method attaches a behavior (in this case, an event handler) to every
  // component registered in the container. Think of it as a way to run a sort
  // of "global foreach" over everything registered.
  protected override void AttachToComponentRegistration(
    IComponentRegistry componentRegistry,
    IComponentRegistration registration)
    // The Preparing event is called any time a new instance is needed. There
    // are docs for the lifetime events but Preparing isn't on there. Here are the
    // docs and the issue I filed on your behalf to get Preparing documented.
    // https://autofac.readthedocs.io/en/latest/lifetime/events.html
    // https://github.com/autofac/Documentation/issues/69
    // You can see the Preparing event here:
    // https://github.com/autofac/Autofac/blob/6dde84e5b0a3f82136a0567a84da498b04e1fa2d/src/Autofac/Core/IComponentRegistration.cs#L83
    // and the event args here:
    // https://github.com/autofac/Autofac/blob/6dde84e5b0/src/Autofac/Core/PreparingEventArgs.cs
    registration.Preparing +=
      (sender, args) =>
          // The Component is the thing being resolved - the thing that
          // needs a LogService injected. The Component.Activator is the
          // thing that is actually going to execute to "new up" an instance
          // of the Component. The Component.Activator.LimitType is the actual
          // System.Type of the thing being resolved.
          var forType = args.Component.Activator.LimitType;

          // The docs above explain ResolvedParameter - basically a manually
          // passed in parameter that can execute some logic to determine if
          // it satisfies a constructor or property dependency. The point of
          // this particular parameter is to provide an ILog to anything being
          // resolved that happens to have an ILog constructor parameter.
          var logParameter = new ResolvedParameter(

            // p is the System.Reflection.ParameterInfo that describes the
            // constructor parameter that needs injecting. c is the IComponentContext
            // in which the resolution is being done (not used here). If this
            // method evaluates to true then this parameter will be used; if not,
            // it will refuse to provide a value. In this case, if the parameter
            // being injected is an ILog, this ResolvedParameter will tell Autofac
            // it can provide a value.
            (p, c) => p.ParameterType == typeof(ILog),

            // p and c are the same here, but this time they're used to actually
            // generate the value of the parameter - the ILog instance that should
            // be injected. Again, this will only run if the above predicate evaluates
            // to true. This creates an ILog by manually resolving from the same
            // component context (the same lifetime scope) as the thing that
            // needs the ILog. Remember earlier that call to p.AsTyped<Type>()
            // to get a parameter? The TypedParameter thing here is how that
            // value gets poked in up there. This Resolve call will effectively
            // end up calling the lambda registration.
            (p, c) => c.Resolve<ILog>(TypedParameter.From(forType)));

          // The thing being resolved (the component that consumes ILog) now
          // needs to be told to make use of the log parameter, so add it into
          // the list of parameters that can be used when resolving that thing.
          // If there's an ILog, Autofac will use this specified parameter to
          // fulfill the requirement.
          args.Parameters = args.Parameters.Union(new[] { logParameter });

log4net 模块示例中缺少的东西是为记录器进行属性注入的能力。但是,我不会在这里解决这个问题。您可以查看文档中的示例,如果您需要该功能,可以将其作为练习。


于 2019-03-02T22:36:26.220 回答