为了使您的帐户更加安全,从 2019 年 2 月 27 日开始,开发者计划的帐户持有人将需要双重身份验证才能登录其 Apple 开发者帐户和证书、标识符和配置文件。您的 Apple ID 有助于确保您是唯一可以访问您帐户的人。
尝试通过https://appcenter.ms的 CI 在商店中发布我的 iOS 应用程序时出现以下错误:
"mandatory_update": false,
"release_notes": "feature/navigator profile (#467)",
"destinations": [
"id": "678b39eb-7040-43ca-b903-REDACTED",
"name": "App Store Connect Users",
"message": "Failed to publish to store. Error: App specific password is mandatory for 2fa enabled account in service connection id: 5b1a378c-d7bc-4492-5ad6-REDACTED",
"code": "app_specific_password_missing"
"code": "partially_succeeded",
"message": "Failed to publish to store. Error: App specific password is mandatory for 2fa enabled account in service connection id: 5b1a378c-d7bc-4492-5ad6-REDACTED"