我正在使用 cucumber 为应用程序编写集成测试,我想包括一些我们的 highcharts 实现的基本测试。我特别热衷于测试是否绘制了正确的数据以及自定义 ajax 交互是否正常工作。示例功能可能如下所示:
Feature: Plot Related Alarm Data
As an project owner
I want to see antecedent data plotted around the time of the alarm
So that I can diagnose the issue and save gobs of money.
Given a bunch of stuff is set up
And I am logged in
# ...
Scenario: Alarm data is plotted
Given I have an alarm
# ...
When I visit the alarm show page
Then I should see 5 days of data in my graph
Scenario: Alarm data is clicked
Given # ...
When # ...
And I click on a data point
Then I should be on the data page
任何测试这样的东西以及使用 Selenium、Watir 等工具的经验将不胜感激。