
但我在某些 Perl 版本中发现了这一点。此模块的行为不正确。

例如,如果我运行./ViewBS BisNonConvRate --sample bis_WT.tab.gz,WT. 我希望输出如下:

Subcommand: BisNonConvRate
Sample list: bis_WT.tab.gz,WT

在 perl-v5.18.2 中,它工作正常。我得到了我期望的输出。但在 perl-v5.24.1 中,它没有。我得到如下所示的输出:

Subcommand: BisNonConvRate
Sample list:

我检查了Getopt::Long::Subcommand. 它们都是相同的版本(0.102)。


下面是我配置 perl 环境的方法:

perlbrew install perl==5.24.1 ## or perl==5.18.2
perlbrew use perl-5.24.1
perlbrew install-cpanm
cpanm Getopt::Long::Subcommand
cpanm Bio::DB::HTS::Tabix
cpanm Bio::SeqIO


#!/usr/bin/env perl 
#!/usr/bin/perl --

# ViewBS - Tools for exploring and visualizing bisulfite sequencing 
# (BS-seq) data. 
use strict;
use warnings;

use Getopt::Long::Subcommand;
use Pod::Usage;
use File::Basename;
use Cwd qw(abs_path);
use Benchmark;
my $t_stt = Benchmark->new;

#use FindBin;
#use lib "$FindBin::Bin";
$|++;    # Do not buffer output
#$| = 1; # Do not buffer output 

#Self written libraries.
## Package written by Shanshan Huang
use lib dirname(abs_path $0) . '/lib';  #include seft written packages in @INC.

my $main_path = dirname(abs_path $0);

my %opts;   ## store the values for common parameters
my %opts_subcmd; ### store the values for sub command parameters

### Return hash structure, with these keys: success, subcommand (array of str) by GetOptions
my $resOpt = &processCMD();  

my ($sub_cmd) = @{$resOpt->{subcommand}}; 
print "\nSubcommand: $sub_cmd\n";

if($sub_cmd eq "BisNonConvRate"){
    print "Sample list: @{$opts_subcmd{sample}}\n";

sub processCMD{
    $resOpt = GetOptions(   # Return hash structure, with these keys: success, subcommand (array of str)
        ## common options recognized by all subcommands
        options => {
        'help|h|?'       => \$opts{help},
        'version|v'      => \$opts{version},
        'verbose'        => \$opts{verbose},
        'outdir:s'       => \$opts_subcmd{outdir},
        'prefix:s'       => \$opts_subcmd{prefix},
        'minDepth:s'     => \$opts_subcmd{minDepth},
        'maxDepth:s'     => \$opts_subcmd{maxDepth},
        'context:s'      => \@{$opts_subcmd{context}},    # context
        'flank:i'        => \$opts_subcmd{flank},
        'height:f'       => \$opts_subcmd{height},  ## figure size: height
        'width:f'        => \$opts_subcmd{width},   ## figure size: width
        'height2:f'       => \$opts_subcmd{height2}, ## for histogram
        'width2:f'        => \$opts_subcmd{width2},  ## for histogram
        'random_region:i' => \$opts_subcmd{random_region}, ## For heatmap error. annot allocate vector of size
        'methodAverage'  => \$opts_subcmd{methodAverage},  ## Calculate the average methylation level rather than the weighted methylated level.
         subcommands => {
             MethGeno => {       
                 summary => 'Plot methylation information across the chromsome.',
                 # subcommand-specific options
                 options => {
            # mandatory arguments
                'genomeLength|g:s'       => \$opts_subcmd{genomeLength},
            'sample:s'               => \@{$opts_subcmd{sample}},
            # Optional arguments
            'win:i'                  => \$opts_subcmd{win},
                    'step:i'                 => \$opts_subcmd{step},       
            'minLength:s'            => \$opts_subcmd{minLength},  # cutoff for minimum length of chromosome.
            'split:s'                => \$opts_subcmd{'split'},      #
        MethOverRegion => {
        summary => 'Plot average distribution of methylation over your defined regions.',
        options => {
            # mandatory arguments
            'region:s'              => \$opts_subcmd{region},
                    'sample:s'               => \@{$opts_subcmd{sample}},
            # Optional arguments
            'binLength:i'        => \$opts_subcmd{binLength},
            'binNumber:i'            => \$opts_subcmd{binNumber},
                'minLength:i'        => \$opts_subcmd{minLength},
            'maxLength:i'            => \$opts_subcmd{maxLength},
                    'type:s'                 => \$opts_subcmd{type},
                'regionName:s'           => \$opts_subcmd{regionName},
                #'legendTitle:s'          => \$opts_subcmd{legendTitle},
        MethHeatmap => {
                summary => 'Generate heatmap for a given regions.',
                options => {
                    # mandatory arguments
                    'regions:s'              => \$opts_subcmd{region},
                    'sample:s'               => \@{$opts_subcmd{sample}},
             # Optional arguments
                    'merge'                 => \$opts_subcmd{merge},   ### if --merge is true, then methylation level of different will be generated in one file rather than one file for each context
                    'cluster_cols:s'         => \$opts_subcmd{cluster_cols},
            'cluster_rows:s'         => \$opts_subcmd{cluster_rows},
        MethOneRegion => {
                summary => 'Generate heatmap for a given regions.',
                options => {
            'regions:s'              => \$opts_subcmd{region},
                'sample:s'               => \@{$opts_subcmd{sample}},
            MethCoverage => {
                summary => 'Generate statistics of read coverage of the provided samples.',
                options => {
        'reference:s'        => \$opts_subcmd{reference},
                'sample:s'               => \@{$opts_subcmd{sample}},
        'outdir:s'               => \$opts_subcmd{outdir},
        MethLevDist => {
                summary => 'Generate distribution of methylation levels for the provided samples.',
                options => {
                'sample:s'               => \@{$opts_subcmd{sample}},
        'regions:s'              => \$opts_subcmd{region},
        'binMethLev:s'       => \$opts_subcmd{binMethLev},
        GlobalMethLev => {
                summary => 'Generate global (bulk) methylation levels for the provided samples.',
                options => {
                'sample:s'               => \@{$opts_subcmd{sample}},
        BisNonConvRate => {
                summary => 'Estimate non-conversion rate of BS-seq data.',
                options => {
                'sample:s'               => \@{$opts_subcmd{sample}},
            'chrom:s'               => \$opts_subcmd{chrom},
    #print "UUXXX", join("\t", $resOpt->{subcommand}), "\n";
    push @{$opts_subcmd{subcommand}}, @{$resOpt->{subcommand}} if exists $resOpt->{subcommand};
    return $resOpt;

您还可以在此处获取该文件的副本:https ://github.com/xie186/ViewBS/tree/66edfa79c35b404539ca3cdf4afcfd9c1bd20c6d/data/chk_issue25


1 回答 1


Getopt::Long::Subcommand 依赖于 Getopt::Long。Getopt::Long::Subcommand 或您的特定需求与 Getopt::Long 2.43(包括)到 2.50(不包括)不兼容。

简单的解决方案是升级到最新版本的 Getopt::Long。

我提交了一张票,要求添加对 Getopt::Long 2.50 的依赖项。

于 2019-02-26T16:55:23.133 回答