一般建议似乎是手动舍入/处理浮点值(例如检查浮点值是否匹配 1.0),然后为复数调用使用适当的 Int 值。
但是除了没有真正使用复数之外,这还伴随着其他语言的问题(例如,我不知道 1.5 星在另一种语言中是否也会像英语一样是复数),因此这些舍入选项可能并不普遍适用。
// optionally wrap different languages around
// if language == English
when (amountStars) {
is 1.0 -> getString(R.string.stars_singular, 1)
... ->
else -> getString(R.string.stars_plural, amountStars)
// if language == Chinese ...
其他情况必须“硬编码”。因此,例如,您必须决定 0 是否意味着
"0 stars" (plural string) or
"no star" (singular string)
But there seems no real benefit of using plurals over separate string resources with common placeholders. On the other hand this (at last for me) gives more flexibility for formatting options. For example, one may create a text like "1 star and a half" where it becomes singular again (even though numerically we would write 1.5 stars).