附件是 Base58 编码的,但是 Ride 中唯一的 Base58 解码方法要求输入是字符串。如何将字节向量转换为字符串?当帐户脚本正在处理交易时,它是否看到作为 Base58 编码的真实附件或真实附件发送的附件?


1 回答 1


RIDE doesn’t have a function that interprets byteVector as String, but only has functions toBase58String(byteVector) and toBase64String(byteVector) which decode a base58/64 encoded string to byteVector.

So in RIDE you can’t convert [72, 101, 108, 108, 111] to “Hello”, only to “9Ajdvzr” or to “base64:SGVsbG8=”. The attachment is handled as encoded base58/64.

于 2019-02-26T10:00:49.733 回答