与 Java 类似: 如何让我的 JUnit 测试以随机顺序运行?
与.Net相反:http: //blogs.msdn.com/b/slange/archive/2010/06/02/ordering-method-execution-of-a-coded-ui-test.aspx
我的理由与第一个链接中的相同 - 我希望通过在每次运行时重新排序来发现测试之间的任何依赖关系。
,因为我的测试驱动 GUI - 他们使用编码的 UI。
与 Java 类似: 如何让我的 JUnit 测试以随机顺序运行?
与.Net相反:http: //blogs.msdn.com/b/slange/archive/2010/06/02/ordering-method-execution-of-a-coded-ui-test.aspx
我的理由与第一个链接中的相同 - 我希望通过在每次运行时重新排序来发现测试之间的任何依赖关系。
,因为我的测试驱动 GUI - 他们使用编码的 UI。
我不知道测试框架是否内置了这个,但我会自己编写代码。最简单的方法可能是编写一个测试方法,以随机顺序调用所有其他测试方法。您可以完全有创意地执行此操作,您只需将 Playback.PlaybackSettings.ContinueOnError 设置为 true,以便在单个测试失败时整体测试不会失败。
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
namespace Company.UnitTests
public class RandomizerTest
private class TestClassProxy
public object Instance { get; set; }
public Type Type { get; set; }
public Action ClassCleanup { get; set; }
public Action<TestContext> ClassInitialize { get; set; }
public Action TestCleanup { get; set; }
public Action TestInitialize { get; set; }
public List<Action> TestMethods { get; set; }
public void TestRandom()
// attributes we'll be using to build our proxies (change these for NInject, other UT frameworks)
var classInitializeAttributeType = typeof (ClassInitializeAttribute);
var classCleanupAttributeType = typeof (ClassCleanupAttribute);
var testInitializeAttributeType = typeof (TestInitializeAttribute);
var testCleanupAttributeType = typeof (TestCleanupAttribute);
var testMethodAttributeType = typeof (TestMethodAttribute);
var proxies = (
from type in Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetTypes()
type != typeof (RandomizerTest) && // don't include this class (infinite-loop)
type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof (TestClassAttribute), false).Length > 0 // only classes attributed with [TestClass]
let methods = type.GetMethods() // keep the methods for re-use
let instance = Activator.CreateInstance(type)
select new TestClassProxy
Type = type,
Instance = instance,
ClassInitialize = // select and wrap the method invokes inside an Action for re-use
.Where(λ =>
λ.GetCustomAttributes(classInitializeAttributeType, false).Any())
.Select(λ => (Action<TestContext>) (tc => λ.Invoke(instance, new object[] { tc })))
.FirstOrDefault() ?? delegate { },
ClassCleanup =
.Where(λ =>
λ.GetCustomAttributes(classCleanupAttributeType, false).Any())
.Select(λ => (Action) (() => λ.Invoke(instance, null)))
.FirstOrDefault() ?? delegate { },
TestInitialize =
.Where(λ =>
λ.GetCustomAttributes(testInitializeAttributeType, false).Any())
.Select(λ => (Action) (() => λ.Invoke(instance, null)))
.FirstOrDefault() ?? delegate { },
TestCleanup =
.Where(λ =>
λ.GetCustomAttributes(testCleanupAttributeType, false).Any())
.Select(λ => (Action) (() => λ.Invoke(instance, null)))
.FirstOrDefault() ?? delegate { },
TestMethods =
.Where(λ =>
λ.GetCustomAttributes(testMethodAttributeType, false).Any())
.Select(λ => (Action) (() => λ.Invoke(instance, null))).ToList(),
var random = new Random();
// ACT
// Note that the following may not work depending on how you developed your unit tests.
// If they're sharing state in any way (SQL DB, etc.) this may not be what you want.
// If that's the case alter the code below to only randomly sample test methods inside each class
// so that you can isolate tests per test class.
// This methodology assumes the cardinal rule: All unit tests are atomic. (given their proper setup/teardown)
// Plus if you're testing in a random order this is likely what you're after anyway.
// initialize all classes
foreach (var testClassProxy in proxies)
// run all test methods in a random order spanning all test classes until we run out
while (proxies.Count > 0)
// get random test class proxy
var proxy = proxies[random.Next(0, proxies.Count)];
// get random test method from proxy
var testMethod = proxy.TestMethods[random.Next(0, proxy.TestMethods.Count)];
// run test initialize
// run test method
testMethod(); // (ASSERT)
// run test cleanup
// remove test method from processing
// still have methods?
if (proxy.TestMethods.Count > 0)
// no, run class cleanup routine
// remove the proxy from processing