我正在尝试自动创建必须启用 GeoSPARQL 插件的 GraphDB 存储库。为此,我发送了 2 个 INSERT 语句,第一个用于配置索引和准确性,第二个用于启用插件。但是 conn.prepareUpdate(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, enablePluginStatement).execute() 操作“似乎”异步运行。而不是等到索引操作完成(就像从 Workbench 运行相同的 INSERT 查询时发生的那样),它几乎立即继续执行以下语句,即关闭存储库。当我通过 Netbeans 调试器执行相同的代码时,相同的单个语句需要更多时间才能完成并且确实完成了正确的索引。关于这个或类似问题的任何见解?

    26609 [main] INFO  com.ontotext.config.AbstractParameter  - Configured parameter 'deduplicate.construct' to default value 'true' 
    26610 [main] INFO  com.ontotext.config.AbstractParameter  - Configured parameter 'reuse.vars.in.subselects' to default value 'false' 
    26691 [main] INFO  com.ontotext.trree.monitorRepository.MonitorRepositoryConnection  - Incoming update: 
PREFIX : <http://www.ontotext.com/plugins/geosparql#> 
INSERT DATA {    _:s :enabled "true" .  } 
    26764 [main] INFO  com.ontotext.plugin.GeoSPARQL  - >>>>>>>> GeoSPARQL: Initializing Lucene indexer... 
    26863 [main] INFO  com.ontotext.plugin.GeoSPARQL  -
        >>>>>>>> GeoSPARQL: Lucene indexer initialized! 
    26863 [main] INFO  com.ontotext.plugin.GeoSPARQL  - >>>>>>>> GeoSPARQL: Initializing indexing process... 
    32032 [main] INFO  com.ontotext.plugin.GeoSPARQL 
        - >>>>>>>> GeoSPARQL: Indexing completed! 
    52200 [main] WARN  com.ontotext.trree.free.GraphDBFreeSchemaRepository  - Closing active connection due to shut down; consider setting the org.eclipse.rdf4j.repository.debug system property 
    52596 [main] INFO  com.ontotext.trree.sdk.impl.PluginManager  - Shutting down plugins (DEFAULT)...

1 回答 1


您可以将复合事务用作多个“插入位置”和“删除位置”表达式,用 ; 分隔。可以在同一更新中看到与以前的更改相比。举个例子:

PREFIX : <http://www.ontotext.com/plugins/geosparql#> PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>INSERT DATA {    _:s :enabled "true" .  } ;INSERT DATA { _:s :prefixTree "quad"; :precision "25". }


curl 'http://localhost:7200/repositories/geosparql/statements' -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' --data-urlencode 'update=PREFIX : <http://www.ontotext.com/plugins/geosparql#> PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> INSERT DATA { _:s :enabled "true" . } ; INSERT DATA { _:s :prefixTree "quad"; :precision "25". }'


[INFO ] 2019-02-26 12:08:36,331 [repositories/geosparql | c.o.g.s.StatementsController] POST SPARQL update request to repository
[INFO ] 2019-02-26 12:08:36,349 [repositories/geosparql | c.o.p.GeoSPARQL] >>>>>>>> GeoSPARQL: Initializing Lucene indexer...
[INFO ] 2019-02-26 12:08:36,383 [repositories/geosparql | c.o.p.GeoSPARQL] >>>>>>>> GeoSPARQL: Lucene indexer initialized!
[INFO ] 2019-02-26 12:08:36,383 [repositories/geosparql | c.o.p.GeoSPARQL] >>>>>>>> GeoSPARQL: Initializing indexing process...
[INFO ] 2019-02-26 12:08:36,466 [repositories/geosparql | c.o.p.GeoSPARQL] >>>>>>>> GeoSPARQL: Indexing completed!
于 2019-02-26T10:11:56.187 回答