我正在查看cats.effect.concurrent.Deferred并注意到其伴随对象中的所有工厂方法都返回,而F[Deferred[F, A]]不仅仅是Deferred[F, A]

def apply[F[_], A](implicit F: Concurrent[F]): F[Deferred[F, A]] =
  F.delay(unsafe[F, A])

    * Like `apply` but returns the newly allocated promise directly instead of wrapping it in `F.delay`.
    * This method is considered unsafe because it is not referentially transparent -- it allocates
    * mutable state.
  def unsafe[F[_]: Concurrent, A]: Deferred[F, A]


定义了abstract class两种方法(省略了文档):

abstract class Deferred[F[_], A] {
  def get: F[A]
  def complete(a: A): F[Unit]

因此,即使我们Deferred直接分配,也不清楚如何Deferred通过其公共方法修改状态。所有修改都用 暂停F[_]


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import cats.effect.{ContextShift, IO}
import cats.effect.concurrent.Deferred
import cats.implicits._
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext

implicit val cs: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift(ExecutionContext.global)

val x = Deferred.unsafe[IO, Int]

val p1 = x.complete(1) *> x.get
val p2 = Deferred.unsafe[IO, Int].complete(1) *> Deferred.unsafe[IO, Int].get


如果我们尝试用 做同样的事情Deferred.apply,我们会发现我们无法通过将引用替换为值来提出成对的非等价程序。我们可以试试这个:

val x = Deferred[IO, Int]

val p1 = x.flatMap(_.complete(1)) *> x.flatMap(_.get)
val p2 = Deferred[IO, Int].flatMap(_.complete(1)) *> Deferred[IO, Int].flatMap(_.get)


val x = Deferred[IO, Int]

val p3 = x.flatMap(x => x.complete(1) *> x.get)


val p4 = Deferred[IO, Int].flatMap(x => x.complete(1) *> x.get)


我们无法在我们使用Deferred[IO, Int]的上下文之外获得对可变对象的引用这一事实特别是在这里保护我们的东西。FDeferred.apply

于 2019-02-25T13:13:56.970 回答